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The first thing you'll need to do is get the tools for the job, and any skateboard adjustment and assembly can be made with just one object.
Although high-performance skaters and skate shops don't recommend this method because it can be hard on the bearings, many riders do it without any noticeable issues.
If you do most of your skateboarding at a classic concrete skatepark, a harder wheel will provide plenty of grip and speed.
How toclean bearings
If you were not able to get the bearings completely seated, you might screw the nut down tight, and it should press the bearings fully into their place.
Located within the wheel hub, wheel bearings are a set of steel balls enclosed by a metal ring. They are located on a metal axle shaft and responsible for holding the bolts that attach the tyre and the wheel. They support the balancing of the vehicle’s weight when turning, which means they wear down over time. Your car’s wheels are mounted on wheel hubs, making it an incredibly important car part.
How to removebearings from longboard wheels
When the nut is firmly tightened, back it off about half a rotation. The wheel should have just a little bit of jiggle along the axle, just enough that you easily feel and maybe even hear it.
The flat spots that can be found on the surface of the urethane wheel will not allow smooth riding, resulting in uncomfortable vibrations and distracting noises.
How toput bearings inskateboardwheels
Some bearings have metal on both sides, so either way is acceptable. Keep the bearing even - you don't want it inserted at an angle.
If the bearing has one metal side and one plastic side - the dust guard - you should have the plastic side facing outward and the metal side on the inside when you insert it.
How toinstallskateboardbearings spacers
Venice, California, is arguably the birthplace and crib of modern skateboarding. From the Dogtown era and Z-Boys to the days of the Pavilion, torn down in 2000, it's where the first street skateboarding stars launched into stardom.
It's a good idea to put a washer as a spacer between the hanger and the inner bearing and another between the outer bearing and the axle nut.
Last but not least, spin the wheels - they should spin easily, smoothly, and quietly. If a urethane wheel stops spinning quickly, loosen the nut a little until you can move the wheel a tiny bit along the axle.
When you have both bearings in the wheel, you can slide the whole ensemble onto the axle. On most wheels, it doesn't matter which side faces out.
Do keep in mind that to get the most out of your wheels, you need to know where you'll be using them and what you expect to do.
How toput bearings in wheels
However, if you like the printed graphics, you can always have that side facing out; if you prefer a simpler look, you can have the graphic side of the wheel facing inward.
How to removeskate bearings withoutatool
You'll find a Phillips screwdriver for the baseplate bolts, two different sockets for your axle nuts and kingpin, and sometimes a few other features that make working on your skateboard easier.
Inserting and removing bearings from the wheel can be a complicated experience, but there are a few tricks to make the whole process easy.
How to removebearings from roller skate wheels
By applying even pressure to the wheel, the hanger will push the bearing into its seat. Don't worry about not doing it right - you will know it when it's nested.
Remember that two bearings go in each wheel, one on either side. They will slide directly into the space made for them, but it will be a tight fit.
If you are skating on asphalt parking lots and sidewalks, a softer wheel will help absorb the surface's roughness to produce a smoother ride and more grip.
If you have a bad wheel bearing, it’s likely that your steering is offset and you’ll hear growling, chirping or squealing when turning. Needing to steer excessively or moderately is alsoa sign you may need a wheel bearing replacement.
Still unsure which products you need? Head down to your local Halfords store where one of our team will be happy to help you out.
How tocleanskateboardbearings
Do it by screwing the axle nut onto the axle as far as you can with your fingers, and then tighten it the rest of the way with your skate tool.
The process of removing the old wheels and bearing and installing new ones shouldn't take you more than 15 or 20 minutes.
Whether you need a front wheel bearing or rear wheel bearing, at Halfords you’ll find a great range of products for all car makes and models. To find yours, enter your vehicle registration into the tool provided and our system will pull relevant products. Once you’ve located the right products, use our convenient click & collect service to get hold of your products sooner. Alternatively, use our delivery service if you’d prefer to have your wheel bearings delivered to your door.
Some skate tools will have a small cylindrical protrusion for prying bearings out of wheels, but the end of the axle works well, too.
When London's Selfridges opened in 1909, few would've thought the legendary department store would host a permanent skate bowl more than a century later.