08758000 - Ford Transit Front Bearing Removal Kit - ford transit bearing
Ingersoll Rand311A
Perform duties in preceding skill levels; supervises investigative case management and overall investigative operations; provides technical guidance and direction to subordinate investigative units; performs duties as battalion, brigade or MACOM staff officer for investigative operations; supervises the technical performance of subordinate personnel in related job skills; performs duties as the Chief, Military Police Investigations Division, Directorate of Training, USAMPS.
Perform duties in preceding skill levels; as the operations officer of an USACIDC Theater/Corps Support element is responsible for the operational administration and criminal investigation and crime intelligence support to combat commanders at all levels; supervises and provides guidance and technical advice to subordinate investigative units or other staff elements; performs duties as the Chief Warrant Officer of the Military Police Branch for the Commandant of the Military Police Corps Regiment; performs duties as the Warrant Officer Advisor to the Commanding General, USACIDC.
Investigate felony and other significant crime of Army interest as defined by regulations, military, and federal law; plans, organizes, conducts, and supervises overt and covert investigations; examines and processes crime scenes; collects, preserves, and evaluates physical evidence for scientific examination by laboratories and use in judicial proceedings; obtains and executes arrest and search warrants; conducts raids and task force operations; interviews and interrogates victims, witnesses, suspects, and subjects and obtain written statements executed under oath; develops, evaluates, and manages informants and other sources of criminal intelligence; represents the Army's interest in investigations conducted collaterally with the Department of Defense, Department of Justice, and other federal, state, and local investigative agencies; maintains close working relationships with attorneys of the Staff Judge Advocate and the United States Attorney's Office, and testify at Courts-Martial, Federal District Court, and other judiciary tribunals; writes, reviews, and approves technical investigative reports; conducts and supervises technical surveys of Army elements and activities which analyze and detect on-going crime, and recommends actions to prevent crime which could result in significant economic loss and reduced combat effectiveness; conducts personnel security vulnerability assessments for designated senior Army officials; provides personnel security for designated Department of Defense executives, visiting foreign officials, and other key officials; performs hostage negotiations; supervises the technical performance of subordinate personnel in related job skills.