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How long can i drive on a bad wheel bearingwithout
How long can you drive on a noisy Wheel Bearing? That’s a hard question to answer, the average life of Wheel Bearings is about 5- 10 years or about 100,000 miles. When the Bearings go bad they affect other areas of your Vehicle.
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How long can i drive on a bad wheel bearingwhile
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How long can i drive on a bad wheel bearingreddit
Tampa General Hospital’s first state-of-the-art, off-site, outpatient medical center, TGH Outpatient Center is conveniently located on the corner of Palm River Road and S. Falkenburg Road, next to Topgolf.
For example, the wear on your Tires may be uneven and need to be replaced sooner then later. Also, the ride can become pretty rough and bumpy. That can compromise yours and others on the road. Ignoring the grinding, or rumbling sounds, (Wheel Bearing Sound) or the clicking that can occur during acceleration. Are you noticing a vibrating or loose Steering Wheel? You might also experience a pulling when applying the Brakes. Which can cause uneven Rotor and Brake Pad wear, so ignoring the noise can cost you a lot more.
Located at 10740 Palm River Rd the TGH Outpatient Center is just north of the Lee Roy Selmon Crosstown Expressway and next door to Topgolf. Click here to download written driving directions.