1050707 Sick - GL6-N4111 - n4111
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This section includes genomic Reference Sequences (RefSeqs) from all assemblies on which this gene is annotated, such as RefSeqs for chromosomes and scaffolds (contigs) from both reference and alternate assemblies. Model RNAs and proteins are also reported here.
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These reference sequences are curated independently of the genome annotation cycle, so their versions may not match the RefSeq versions in the current genome build. Identify version mismatches by comparing the version of the RefSeq in this section to the one reported in Genomic regions, transcripts, and products above.
Genomic Sequence: NC_000001.11 Chromosome 1 Reference GRCh38.p14 Primary Assembly NC_060925.1 Chromosome 1 Alternate T2T-CHM13v2.0 NC_000001.10 Chromosome 1 Reference GRCh37.p13 Primary Assembly
These RefSeqs were suppressed for the cited reason(s). Suppressed RefSeqs do not appear in BLAST databases, related sequence links, or BLAST links (BLink), but may still be retrieved by clicking on their accession.version below.
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