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But what I find is a better way to figure this chord out is from the key signature or scale of the root note - Ab - and the chord formula.
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Once you are at the stage of being able to play Ab7, it is important now for you to understand some chord theory so you can figure out chords like this.
Ready to learn to play the Ab7 piano chord? The Ab7 chord is a seventh chord or more technically, a dominant 7th. It is not the most common chord, as when you find it, you'll usually be playing in at least 3 flats - but more likely 5 flats.
If you need more help understanding key signatures, visit the key signatures page. Want to learn more about 7th chords? Click here.
A command was attempted that required the database to be mounted in this instance and not started in any other instance. ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS requires that the database be started in only one instance if flashback database logging is enabled.
The Ab7 chord is a dominant seventh chord. This means it belongs to a different key - it's the dominant or 5th chord in the key of Db major. So all the notes of this chord come from that key.
Learn the play the A7 piano chord and find out the notes of A7, A7sus4 chord and A7/C# piano chord plus some chord theory thrown in.
Learn the notes of the E7 piano chord, the E7sus4 chord, finger positions and a bit of chord theory for the E seventh chord.
There are a number of chords that use the Ab7 chord as its base but then alters it slightly. Below are some of the more common alterations and the notes in these chords.
Did you notice I played some of the notes quite a ways into the keyboard? If your fingers fit in those placed, I'd recommend that as well. But do whatever feels comfortable.
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Next, we need to raise the 5th (that is what the sharp means before the 5). The 5th in this chord is Eb. Find the fifth by counting up from Ab or the root of the chord: Ab, Bb, C, Db, Eb.
Sometimes it can be confusing to work out which fingers to use when playing the Ab7 piano chord as it has a lot of black notes.
If you're at the point of playing the Ab7 chord, you may have worked out what you are playing in the right hand and left hand.
If you're an intermediate or more advanced player, you may not want to use these fingers and that's fine. When changing chords, you do what works. But for beginners, it is great to get this position stuck into your muscle memory.
In order to play the Ab7#9 chord, first you start with all the notes of the Ab7 chord. Next, we need to find the ninth note. Find this note by counting up all of the notes of the Ab scale starting with the root of the chord, Ab.
A command was attempted that required the database to be mounted in this instance and not started in any other instance. ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS requires that the database be started in only one instance if flashback database logging is enabled.