1/2 x 1 1/8 x 5/16 inch (R8-2RS) Inch Bearing - 1/2 inch bearings
Other greases that have been tested with good results include:Â Oest Langezeitfett LT 200, BP Energrease LS EP 00, DEA Glissando 6833 EP00, Fuchs Lubritech Gearmaster ZSA and Molykote G-Rapid plus 3694.
4 types oflubricationsystem
We have two different lubricant applicators available: a brush and felt gear. The brush can be located near the gear mesh and although it can provide continuous lubrication, it can not precisely place the lubricant at the gear mesh. This should only be used when the felt gear applicator is not practical.
Bestlubrication systems
All of our rack & pinion load ratings are based on adequate grease lubrication. If adequate lubrication is not provided to the rack & pinion tooth flanks, their loading carrying capacity and lifetime will be reduced.
With open gearing such as rack & pinions, lubrication is extremely critical. A thin film of grease should always be present on the contacting tooth flanks to ensure that there is no metal-to-metal contact, which can quickly damage the teeth.
Although it is not recommended, it is possible to run our Rack & Pinions without lubrication. To discuss the limitations and concerns of running dry, please consult the factory.
When mounting the Automatic Lubricators, the lubricator should be located below the applicator discharge point, so the grease does not flow by gravity. Ideally, the lubricator should also be mounted sideways or upside down to prevent undesired flow. If this is not possible, then a non-return valve should be used before the applicator.
What islubricationsystem in engine
Types oflubrication systems
Example: For a module 3.0 rack and pinion running at 2.0 meters per second, the required lubricant flow rate per day would be ~0.63 cc. Using a 125 cc lubricator, the dip switch setting to achieve this flow rate would be #5 and #7 (switches #1 through #6 adjust the flow rate; #7 switch turns the lubricator on and makes light blink).
To precisely place the lubricant at the gear mesh, a felt gear applicator should be used. The felt gear is actually a gear made out of felt that can mesh directly with the pinion or rack to supply the lubricant. The lubricant flows through a mounting shaft and directly in-between the teeth of the felt gear. Ideally, the felt gear should mesh with the pinion, since it sees the most cycles. By meshing directly with the pinion or rack, the felt gear can provide continuous lubrication to the tooth flanks before they are loaded.
The amount of lubricant required per day depends on the gearing size (module) and the linear operating speed (v), please see graph below.
Types oflubricationsystem in engine
These lubricators can be operated with batteries or externally powered and can be synchronized with the machine operation so the grease only flows when needed. The smaller lubricators (125, 475, M60, M150 and M250) can generate up to 7.5 bar of internal pressure and are best suited for single-point lubrication; the larger lubricators (MD125 and MD400) can generature up to 70 bar of internal pressure and can hande multi-point lubrication.
Manual lubrication (applied by hand) can be unreliable and inconsistent and reduce the lifetime of the gearing. It is highly recommended to use our Automatic Lubrication Systems, which precisely pump grease through an applicator directly to the rack and pinion tooth flanks. This provides continuous lubrication at the tooth flanks, extending the lifetime and maintaining the quality of the gearing.
We have the most experience with grease lubrication, which typically does not flow and stays where you apply it. When using our felt gear applicators, we recommend Kluber Structovis AHD grease. Kluber Microlube GB0 can also be used, but does not flow as well through the felt gear.
To supply the lubricant to the applicator, ATLANTA has a full line of Automatic Lubricators with capacities up to 475 cc and fully adjustable flow rates with emptying times up to thirty six months.Â