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The year will be a celebration of life on earth, communities and sustainability, with events, talks and education activities throughout the year to encourage everyone to get involved and take simple steps to help create a more sustainable future and foster communities which help everyone to flourish.
Whether you’re new to Lincoln or have lived here your whole life, find out how you can get involved at Lincoln Cathedral. From events and services to exhibitions and volunteering, you’ll find an activity to match your interests.
Catalogue design
With services, events, music, crafts and activities for all to enjoy, this really is the season to visit Lincoln Cathedral with friends and family to join the celebration!
Discover the hidden meanings and symbols of the stone carvings and stained glass, both inside and outside the Cathedral, which you might otherwise miss.
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We love to extend a warm welcome to visitors every day of the year. Lincoln Cathedral is a living church with a vibrant and busy calendar, so on some occasions we may need to temporarily close some areas to the public. Please check the visit us page to see any current restrictions before you visit.
Catalogue meaning in Hindi
Consecrated in the 11th century, Lincoln Cathedral has welcomed people through its doors for almost a thousand years. It is one of the great Cathedrals of the world, attracting visitors of all ages and nationalities.
Catalogue meaning in Urdu
Lincoln Cathedral has received the Tripadvisor Travellers’ Choice Award for 2024, raking it in the top 10% of visitor attractions worldwide for the quality of welcome and experience. Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback on Tripadvisor, and we look forward to welcoming you again soon.
Charges apply between 10am and 4pm Monday to Saturday, and 11.30am (or when the morning service finishes) and 2.30pm on Sunday.
From cavemen to Banksy, throughout history it seems the few people can resist the urge to leave their mark on a wall or building, and Lincoln Cathedral is no exception. From the floor to the top of the tower there are hundreds of examples of historic graffiti.
The Cathedral is first and foremost a place of worship and pilgrimage. The daily offering of prayer and praise, enriched by wonderful music, beats at the heart of the Cathedral’s life. Our services are open to all, and our welcome extends to people of all faiths and none. We are also a popular attraction for visitors to the city, and host a range of events throughout the year.
It’s a unique opportunity to sing amazing music in a beautiful location. Choristers get a world class musical education, plus pocket money and the opportunity to make new friends.
Lincoln Cathedral comprises: The Cathedral Church of The Blessed Virgin Mary of Lincoln (Charity Number: 1207411); Lincoln Cathedral Music Fund (Charity Number 1033089); Lincoln Cathedral Learning, Arts, Culture and Events CIO (Charity Number 1175597); Lincoln Minster Shops Ltd. (Company Registration Number 01015279). The registered address is: The Chapter Office, 4 Priorygate, Lincoln, LN2 1PL, United Kingdom.
From rousing carol services to calming prayer, we invite all to join us for worship. Follow the link to see all of this season’s services.
A stunning 13-metre-long table, made from ancient, fossilised oak is now on display in Lincoln Cathedral. Created from a section of a gigantic 5000-year-old Fenland Black Oak, the table is a masterpiece of craftsmanship.
Read the stories and the history of the Cathedral as told in the stained glass of Lincoln Cathedral, some of which dates back to medieval times. Learn something of the makers and their styles.