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If it feels like one or more of your wheels is vibrating or wobbling in a strange way, it could be a suspension, brake, tire or wheel hub bearing problem.
Clicking, popping, snapping, knocking or clunking noises have all been associated with wheel bearing issues. Of course, any strange noise coming from your vehicle is cause for concern and can be coming from various automotive components. It’s always worth getting your car looked at by an expert mechanic to determine the true source of the noise and the severity of any damage.
Rust and corrosion in the coolant, particularly if there are rust flakes, can damage the water pump seal. If electrolysis due to acidic coolant begins to attack the ferrous parts of the engine block and the water pump impeller is steel, the impeller will begin to rust away along with the rest of the engine, leading to reduced coolant movement due to the increasing gap between the impeller blades and the reaction surface.
Timingbelt and water pumpsymptoms
The most common signs it’s time to replace your vehicle’s timing belt include excessive exhaust fumes, frequent engine misfires, strange noises in the engine, and poor engine performance.
It’s a good idea to consider replacing the water pump if it’s leaking or the bearings are making noise. If the water pump locks up, the engine will stall if the timing belt is driving the pump.
In other words, if the water pump is driven by the timing belt, you can replace just the timing belt, but if the water pump fails it can take the timing belt with it when it dies. It’s not advisable to replace the water pump but not the timing belt if the belt drives the water pump, since you’ve already got the timing belt out of the way.
Though likely just a wheel alignment problem, the car pulling to one side (especially if it happens while braking) can also be a sign of a bad wheel bearing.
How much to replace timingbelt and water pump
Pro Tips are nuggets of information direct from ASE-certified automobile technicians working with CarParts.com, which may include unique, personal insights based on their years of experience working in the automotive industry. These can help you make more informed decisions about your car.
If you hear high-pitched squealing noises coming from within the engine, it can be any moving part or whistling air leak, but have a look at the water pump. On serpentine belt drive pumps, you need to remove the belt and check the pump by hand for looseness or rough bearings.
If the impeller on the water pump is compromised or the reaction surface is electrolysis or rust-pitted (you can’t see this without removing the pump), the water pump won’t work efficiently. Usually the first thing you notice then is that the heater isn’t warm even though the engine is at full operating temperature and the cooling system is full and everything else is working properly.
If you notice that one of your tires is wearing out a lot quicker than the rest or the brake pads have noticeably uneven wear, this is another sign of a wheel hub bearing, wheel alignment, brake or suspension issue worth getting checked out.
Excessive exhaust fumes can become an issue if a timing belt jumps a few teeth but the engine still runs, although sometimes no extra fumes are noticed when the engine is out of time. Sometimes you just notice a loss of power, but usually, the timing belt will jump entirely and the engine will stall and not restart.
If your vehicle’s performance suddenly declines, there might be something wrong with your timing belt. An engine that runs poorly is a common problem that occurs when the timing belt is loose. Timing belts that aren’t installed properly or have become too worn skew engine valve timing, negatively impacting performance.
Depending on the severity of the damage, it may just be a minor noise nuisance at first. If the bearing is not repaired/replaced, however, it can lead to much bigger problems in the wheel. As with any automotive issue, it’s better to get it repaired now before it leads to a much more expensive auto repair.
Pro Tip: There are packaged kits that come with the belt, the water pump, and all the pertinent pulleys and the tensioner. It’s wise to buy one of these and replace everything at once if you’re doing the work yourself. Some DIY folks do.
The water pump and timing belt are two critical engine components. Even if they serve different purposes, their roles are connected in many ways—so much so that they are often replaced together.
Any information provided on this Website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace consultation with a professional mechanic. The accuracy and timeliness of the information may change from the time of publication. Read our full disclaimer here.
The CarParts.com Research Team is composed of experienced automotive and tech writers working with (ASE)-certified automobile technicians and automotive journalists to bring up-to-date, helpful information to car owners in the US. Guided by CarParts.com's thorough editorial process, our team strives to produce guides and resources DIYers and casual car owners can trust.
Each wheel hub in your vehicle contains a bearing assembly that allows the wheel to rotate freely as you drive. If one of these wheel hub bearings fails or becomes damaged in any way, it will definitely impact the performance and safety of your car.
Can you changewater pumpwithout removing timingbelt
If you hear (or sometimes even feel) a grinding noise coming from the car, it is often a sign of a damaged wheel bearing.
If the timing belt is damaged or too worn to work properly, the engine will misfire more frequently. If this happens, it’s important to replace the timing belt and the bad spark plug wires as soon as possible.
Benefits of newwater pumpin car
As for how often the timing belt and water pump should be replaced, manufacturer recommendations range from 60,000 to 100,000 miles.
Note, however, that when the water pump is driven by the serpentine belt and not the timing belt, there’s no reason to replace them at the same time.
Richard McCuistian has worked for nearly 50 years in the automotive field as a professional technician, an instructor, and a freelance automotive writer for Motor Age, ACtion magazine, Power Stroke Registry, and others. Richard is ASE certified for more than 30 years in 10 categories, including L1 Advanced Engine Performance and Light Vehicle Diesel.
Should you replacewater pumpwith timing chain
If you’ve noticed coolant leaking and dripping underneath your vehicle, there’s a good chance the water pump is damaged and due for repair or replacement. Water pumps in older vehicle models may need to be replaced anywhere between 60,000 and 100,000 miles.
An inefficient water pump won’t run coolant through the engine properly. If the shaft seal leaks so that the engine runs low on coolant, overheating will be a concern.
Cam belt and water pumpreplacement cost UK
Since the timing belt and water pump should be replaced at the same time, it’s important to know when it’s time to replace either of the two parts. Fortunately, there are clear indicators when a timing belt or a water pump is damaged and due for a replacement.
Water pump BeltPrice
It’s practical to replace both at the same time (when the water pump is directly driven by the timing belt) to spend less time removing different components to access them and cut down on labor costs. The timing belt and water pump are also parts of the synchronous drive, which means both would benefit from having the same level of degradation and wear. If one is more worn than the other, the parts will degrade faster.
Timingbeltreplacement cost
On one hand, replacing the timing belt typically costs between $400 and $1,000. On the other hand, replacing the water pump costs between $600 and $1,200. Luckily, replacing both at the same time cuts down labor costs exponentially, saving you both time and money.
There are several possible explanations as to why an engine misfires. One of the most common is bad spark plug wires that may strain the timing belt.
The cost to replace a timing belt and water pump depends on the make and model of your vehicle. However, you can expect to spend between $500 and $1,200 total on parts and labor.
Sometimes, you might just hear an unusual humming noise or high-pitched sound coming from your car as you drive. As you corner one way or the other, the sound could become more pronounced and it’s often a dead giveaway that one of the wheel bearings is worn out.
The point is if you notice anything strange happening in your car, it’s a good idea to have it inspected and repaired before a minor issue turns into major automotive damage. If you are in the Colorado Springs area, count on the professional automotive technicians at LightHouse Automotive to diagnose any auto problem and get the repairs done right at a fair price. Call our shop today at (719) 465-0302 or schedule your service visit online.
When the timing belt gets worn and loose, it can slap the timing cover and make odd noises. This indicates that it has to be replaced before it breaks completely.