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A dented ATV rim can give a lot of the same symptoms as a bad wheel bearing. Get back to a better riding ATV with the highest quality ATV wheels available at High Lifter. With the widest variety of sizes and styles around, find your perfect wheels with High Lifter today.
Short story: it’s a buffer between the wheel and the axle. Located deep inside the steering knuckle, the wheel bearing is what lets the wheel rotate without transferring friction from the axle to the wheel. Without it, the axle would rub against the mounting hub of the wheel and eventually wear down both.
Every ATV is different, and getting to the wheel bearings can be different as well. Be sure to check your vehicle’s manual first before removing any parts. If you’re looking for a more visual explanation, check YouTube.
It’s no fun finding out halfway into a 20-mile trail ride that your wheel bearings are on their deathbed. It’s a good idea to check your wheel bearings any time you’re doing regular upkeep. Here’s how it’s done:
When wheel bearings break down and stop working, they cause extra and uneven wear on tires and brakes. They put undue stress on other parts as well. Tie rod ends, bushings, and ball joints are all affected by a shot wheel bearing.
Property that is eligible for 2023 BEGAP funding may also be eligible for 2024 BEGAP funding. Separate applications must be submitted for each year’s funding, for each physical location. A business or nonprofit can receive grants for up to three physical locations, per flood.
If you’re staying out of the mud, riding even trails, and not submerging your ATV in water, you might be okay with checking less often, even on a quarterly basis. If you’re riding hard, crawling rocks, and gunning it through puddles and water, your checks should be more frequent. Many riders check their ATV wheel bearings monthly.
No damage is too small to report. It will all help the state of Vermont paint a picture of the devastation that will be used to apply for federal disaster relief.
Before the application opens, businesses and nonprofits are encouraged to visit the Business Emergency Gap Assistance Program page to learn how the program works and what they need to have on hand before they begin the online application process.
Supplemental 2023 BEGAP Funding: Entities that previously received 2023 BEGAP funding, and have ongoing unmet need, should use the application to submit an inquiry for 2023 Supplemental BEGAP funding. Inquiries that are deemed to be eligible applicants will then receive an email directing them to apply for 2023 Supplemental BEGAP funding. Eligible applicants must have 50 or fewer employees and the previous BEGAP award must have been less than $500,000. Grant amounts (up to $50,000) will be determined by dividing the remaining 2023 BEGAP funds (following the close of 2023 BEGAP applications on September 30, 2024) by the aggregate unmet need of 2023 Supplemental BEGAP applicants. 20% of funds have been set aside for awards to Black, Indigenous, and Persons of Color applicants.
Every ATV rider knows when it’s time to replace tires. But there’s an equally important part that works just as hard and needs just as much attention. When wheel bearings go bad, there’s a lot of issues that can pop up.
If you replace them as soon as you can, you’re only going to have to pay for the bearings. If you wait until the end of the riding season, or even a year, you should be prepared to pay more for the parts that suffered, like ball joints, tires, bushings, etc.
A loose or broken wheel bearing will cause the wheels to shift, make noise, and rub where they shouldn’t on uneven trails or tight turns. It’s important to be able to know the signs of bad ATV wheel bearings before you ride to avoid any safety issues or costly repairs.
If you followed the steps above, and you’re realizing it might be time to replace, you’re going to need to get to them. Even if you’re just doing regular maintenance and greasing the bearings, the steps to finding them are helpful.
No one wants to have to tow their ATV out of the woods because they ignored some simple maintenance or an easy repair. If you notice any of these symptoms in combination with each other while you ride, it’s important to take it easy on the trails. When you get back to the garage, make checking your wheel bearings a top priority.
• Use this short form to let us know what help you need: https://forms.gle/fUpHaoxyxKnh62fQ6• Or, write learn@uwlamoille.org or text 802-730-9513. One of our household advocates will be in touch!• Need a dehumidifier or a fan to help in your flood recovery? LeARN has a NEW Flood Recovery Lending Library with both! Email learn@uwlamoille.org or text 802-730-9513 to find out more!
• Sign up here to volunteer: https://forms.gle/UySG65EkPYmmfr2Y7• Donate here for UW Disaster Recovery Fund: https://uwlamoille.org/how-to-help/flooding-relief-fund.html• More information on helping? Write to volunteer@uwlamoille.org• Have a dehumidifier or fan that you don’t need or are willing to loan? Please let us know: learn@uwlamoille.org
All applicants seeking assistance in preparing to submit this grant application can receive help from the Central Vermont Economic Development Corporation. Fill out their support request form and they will follow up with resources to help. Businesses located in the Northeast Kingdom may also attend one of two walk-in clinics hosted by the Northeastern Vermont Development Association (NVDA). Clinics will be open from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Whether they’re barely broken or badly broken, riding on spent ATV bearings causes other problems. It’s an important part of your vehicle that’s under almost constant pressure. When it goes bad, tires wear unevenly, knuckles sag, and suspensions take on extra wear.
If you are a non-English speaker and need translation assistance, please email ACCD.BizFloodGrant@Vermont.gov. You will be connected with state-contracted translation and interpretation services.
All-in-all, even if you’re not seeing any symptoms of wheel bearing wear, It’s a good idea to replace the wheel bearings at the start of the season or whenever you tune up your ATV. They’re designed to last long, but not forever.
2024 BEGAP Funding: Applications are due November 15, 2024, for properties affected by the 2024 floods. Grants will cover 30% of net uncovered damages, up to $100,000. Preference will be given to Vermont-based operations, and 10% of funds have been set aside for Black, Indigenous, and Persons of Color applicants.
The Business Emergency Gap Assistance Program (BEGAP) application portal will open on Thursday, August 29 at 8:00 AM. BEGAP is a grant program for businesses, nonprofits, landlords, and farms that suffered physical damage from flooding. It is available for properties damaged in 2023 and/or 2024.
2023 BEGAP Funding: Applications are due September 30, 2024, for properties affected by the 2023 floods that have not yet already received 2023 BEGAP funding. Grants will cover 30% of net uncovered damages, up to $50,000, and 20% of funds have been set aside for Black, Indigenous, and Persons of Color applicants.
FEMA has several Disaster Recovery Centers in Vermont. They are open seven days a week from 8:00 am – 7:00 pm. Visit a FEMA Disaster Recovery Center to learn more about disaster assistance programs, find out the status of your FEMA application, and get answers to other questions regarding federal assistance.
It’s true you can lift your ATV, remove the wheels, and inspect the bearings directly. Most likely, however, you’re going to realize they’ve gone bad while you’re riding. Here are the signs you should replace your wheel bearings:
Luckily, the process of replacing ATV wheel bearings is easy enough and doesn’t require too many unique tools. Here’s a bare-bones list of what you’ll need for a DIY ATV wheel bearing replacement:
When documenting your damage, please write it down what you find and take photos of it. This will not only be helpful for reporting to 211, but it will also be helpful to you if you decide to make an insurance claim.
If you’ve performed regular maintenance and greasing, checked the wheel for wobbles, replaced the bearings, and you’re still suffering from a shaky ride, it might not just be the bearings. You may need new wheels.
Agricultural businesses are encouraged to visit the Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets (AAFM) website for guidance before applying. If agricultural businesses have questions, they can email: agr.floodresponse@vermont.gov. 40% of 2024 funds are reserved for applications from agricultural and silvicultural businesses until November 15, 2024.
If you want to keep your ATV running the best you can, learning the signs of a bad wheel bearing and how to replace it is key. We’re covering the most important info about ATV wheel bearings, how to find them, the signs of wear, and what you need to replace them.
For additional questions about the Business Emergency Gap Assistance Program please email ACCD.BizFloodGrant@Vermont.gov.
LEDC is private, not-for-profit corporation sponsored by Lamoille County businesses and municipalities as well as the State of Vermont. Our services are available to all businesses in all commercial sectors whether they are existing businesses looking to expand, start-ups or businesses seeking to relocate to Lamoille County.
The dust, gunk, and grime that gets inside the bearing housing cause bearings to age faster. For particularly dusty, muddy, wet, or silty conditions, it’s a good idea to grease the wheel bearings often—sometimes even monthly.
ATV wheel bearings are built to take a beating—but they are one of the most common “wear” parts that need replacing. Depending on how you ride, they could last multiple years. More aggressive riders may need to replace wheel bearings halfway through the riding season.
If your home, business, or nonprofit organization has suffered damage, please report it to 211. You can do that by calling 211 or reporting it online. Here are links to the business damage form and the residential damage form.
To be clear, this is a data collection effort that provides the state with important intelligence to be able to respond to non-emergency. storm-related damages and allow us to keep track of cumulative damages needed when applying for federal disaster relief.