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Bore diameterbearing meaning
The Gauge/Bore system is also used to describe the internal barrel diameter of large-bore, 19th century, English, single-shot and double-barrel black powder rifles.
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What is Boresize in pipe
Hallowell & Co., Inc. PO Box 1445. Livingston, Montana 59047 USA Tel: 406 222-4770 Fax: 406 222-4792 Email: morris@hallowellco.com
The Hallowell & Co. Illustrated Firearms Dictionary is for informational purposes only. We do not necessarily offer the items described above for sale. Please click on any of the links below to see what we actually do have available for purchase.
Gauge - System of measurement for the internal bore diameter of a smooth-bore firearm based on the diameter of each of that number of spherical lead balls whose total weight is one pound. The internal diameter of a 12 gauge shotgun barrel is therefore equal to the diameter of a lead ball weighing 1/12 pound, which happens to be .729" (Or in British: Bore.)
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