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What is a static loadonacar
Another way to change the values from positive to negative is to type a - or + in the box and then use the Tab or Enter key to update the dimension. This does not change the state of the button on the command bar.
You can type the tolerance values in the upper and lower boxes, and use the + and - buttons to specify that the values are positive or negative.
What is a static loadin electrical
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For over 50 years, Access Floor Systems has been providing durable, cost-effective and energy-efficient raised floor systems.
What is a static loadexample
By default, the Upper Tolerance box displays the positive upper tolerance value, and the Lower Tolerance box displays the negative lower tolerance value.
You can format the unit tolerance values using the options on the Units tab and the Secondary Units tab in the Dimension Properties dialog box.
What is adynamicload
Concentrated loads are applied on a small area and are typically imposed by stationary furniture and equipment with legs. A concentrated load is applied to the surface of the panel resulting in deflection and permanent set. Deflection and permanent set (rebound) is measured at the top surface after the load is removed.
What is staticloading in the body
Sets the round-off for the value. This option is sensitive to the unit setting (decimal or fractional) and contains values as appropriate for the unit. This option is also sensitive to the dimension being placed and contains values as appropriate for the dimension.
Specifies that the setting on the Dimension Style tab of the Options dialog box determines the dimension style. When you set this option, Dimension Style is unavailable.
Static loadvs dynamicload
You can specify Tolerance (unit) layout and justification on the Units tab and the Secondary Units tab in the Dimension Properties dialog box.
You can type the tolerance values in the upper and lower boxes, and use the + and - buttons to specify that the values are positive or negative.
Changes the state of the selected dimension between driving (locked) and driven (unlocked). If you want to set this option before you place a dimension, you must first select the Maintain Relationships command.
The load at which the panel has structurally failed and can no longer accept any loading. This is sometimes expressed as a multiple of concentrated load and referred to as a safety factor.
Uniform loads are applied over the entire area of the panel and are typically imposed by stationary furniture and equipment without legs. The uniform load rating is specified in pounds per square foot.
You can use the Upper Tolerance Sign (+) button and the Lower Tolerance Sign (-) button to specify whether the value in the box is a positive value or a negative value. Selecting either button changes it from + to -, and from - to +.
You can change the formatting of class fit type dimensions and tolerance type dimensions using the options in the Tolerance Text section of the Text tab (Dimension Style and Dimension Properties) dialog box. For example, you can specify a slash or a horizontal separator; how to align the numbers (to the + or - sign or the decimal point); and whether to use a degree symbol.