
As part of DFARS compliance, contractors are required to follow the Buy American Act and Trade Agreement Act, which stipulate limits on the sources of origin for certain materials. According to official government sources, qualifying countries have been approved due to their mutual understandings and international agreements for purchasing supplies.

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DFARS stands for Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement and generally applies to procurement contracts for the Department of Defense (DoD). It is intended to protect classified information, safeguard controlled unclassified information (CUI), implement cybersecurity standards, stipulate material acquisition, and a host of other requirements. DFARS also aims to award defense contracts in a fair, efficient, and transparent manner.

Most commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) parts, such as screws, hardware, helicoil inserts, and rivnuts, must also be acquired from certified distributors. For example, the DOD prohibits the use of some magnets and tungsten from North Korea, China, Russia, and Iran.

DFARS materialcountries

Sometimes, a contractor may specify that materials are melted and manufactured in the United States rather than an approved country. In such cases, it needs to be spelled out in advance during the quoting process to help accurately forecast costs and lead times.

Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) — it’s a mouthful. But for precision metal fabricators who perform work for our nation’s military, it’s a critically important aspect of their business.


DFARS compliance covers everything from contract clauses, supply chain management, accounting standards, and more. It also covers cybersecurity requirements, which we’ve written about before.


DFARSspecialty metals

Thorough documentation in the form of material certifications must accompany all parts and materials to confirm their origin, quality, and chain of custody. While procurement is a critical aspect of compliance, so is accurate recordkeeping and reporting. Learn more about the importance of the quality data package (QDP) as part of project fulfillment in our related article.

Amendments are issued when it is found that new material may need to be added to an existing standardization document. They may also include editorial or technical corrections to be applied to the existing document.

DFARS compliantcountries 2024

The vast expanse of DFARS regulations stresses the importance of outlining any compliance requirements in a request for proposal (RFP). At Fox Valley Metal-Tech, we have a strong grasp on what it takes to be in compliance. That said, our team needs to be in-the-know early in the quoting phase to ensure accurate pricing and projected lead times. Omission of DFARS requirements could significantly impact pricing based on availability and specifications.

Can anyone ever be a DFARS compliance “expert?” The reality is that DFARS regulations span thousands of pages containing government jargon and details, making it difficult to be proficient. But government contractors still need the ability to decipher the necessary information that applies to their specific projects.


What countries are notDFARS compliant

ISO 21070:2017 specifies procedures for the shipboard management of garbage, including handling, collection, separation, marking, treatment, and storage. It also describes the ship-to-shore interface and the delivery of garbage from the ship to the port reception facility. MARPOL, Annex V sets the minimum standard for garbage management that apply to ships. ISO 21070:2017 applies to the management and handling of shipboard garbage during the period the garbage will be on board. The definition of garbage in this document is as defined in MARPOL, Annex V.

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Materials intended for use on DoD naval vessels and other defense projects must comply with DFARS. The following specialty materials are most relevant to metal fabrication companies:


To become a government-approved metal fabricator, companies need to be DFARS compliant and demonstrate that their flow downs and purchasing practices adhere to government regulations.

ISO 21070:2017 specifies procedures for the shipboard management of garbage, including handling, collection, separation, marking, treatment, and storage. It also describes the ship-to-shore interface and the delivery of garbage from the ship to the port reception facility. MARPOL, Annex V sets the minimum standard for garbage management that apply to ships. ISO 21070:2017 applies to the management and handling of shipboard garbage during the period the garbage will be on board. The definition of garbage in this document is as defined in MARPOL, Annex V.

Fox Valley Metal-Tech is well-acquainted with relevant metal fabrication DFARS requirements because of our extensive work on defense-related fabrications for naval ships and other defense programs. This includes complex doors and hatches and large electrical enclosures for electromagnetic aircraft launching systems (EMALS) and advanced arresting gear (AAG) systems.

Among the projects we completed with extensive DFARS compliance specifications were hundreds of large complex electrical enclosures for the Gerald R. Ford-Class Nuclear Aircraft Carrier. View our DoD Custom Electrical Enclosure Case Study to learn about how we helped reduce the DoD’s planned installation time by an impressive 75% because of our attention to detail and precise-tolerance capabilities. And contact our team of technical experts to talk through your next project.