Two schools of thought. 1 - If one is bad and one is good, replace the bad one and worry about the "good" one when it goes "bad". 2 - Considering the age and mileage, if one is bad, the other isn’t far behind. Replace both while you’re at it to save time.

Two schools of thought. 1 - If one is bad and one is good, replace the bad one and worry about the "good" one when it goes "bad". 2 - Considering the age and mileage, if one is bad, the other isn’t far behind. Replace both while you’re at it to save time. Neither is a wrong way to look at it. Some subscribe to #1, others #2. Me personally, as someone who has worked on cars for decades, I go with #2 always, with my personal vehicles. Why ? I had my 1986 Jetta for 15 years and 250,000 miles. When I did the timing belt every 60,000 miles, I replaced the water pump, thermostat, belts,hoses, cam and crank seals, plugs, cap,rotor,wires, no matter whether they were "good" or not. My friend of 30 years would always joke about how "overkill" I was with my cars. He subscribes to #1. He had to rescue me once, from a 3 foot snow drift. I lost count as to how many times I’ve rescued him broken down on the side of the road. A certified mobile technician from can replace wheel bearings at your convenience.

Neither is a wrong way to look at it. Some subscribe to #1, others #2. Me personally, as someone who has worked on cars for decades, I go with #2 always, with my personal vehicles. Why ? I had my 1986 Jetta for 15 years and 250,000 miles. When I did the timing belt every 60,000 miles, I replaced the water pump, thermostat, belts,hoses, cam and crank seals, plugs, cap,rotor,wires, no matter whether they were "good" or not. My friend of 30 years would always joke about how "overkill" I was with my cars. He subscribes to #1. He had to rescue me once, from a 3 foot snow drift. I lost count as to how many times I’ve rescued him broken down on the side of the road.

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Please use the following 311 San Francisco Customer Service Center forms to make a transit shelter maintenance request. Be sure to fill in the form as shown below:

Report Damaged Transit Shelter (includes broken glass or other potential hazards)For the Nature of Request field, choose "Transit Shelter/Platform"

☎ 311 (Outside SF 415.701.2311; TTY 415.701.2323) Free language assistance / 免費語言協助 / Ayuda gratis con el idioma / Бесплатная помощь переводчиков / Trợ giúp Thông dịch Miễn phí / Assistance linguistique gratuite / 無料の言語支援 / 무료 언어 지원 / Libreng tulong para sa wikang Filipino