Frontwheel bearingnoise symptoms

That might be the best way to describe a wheel bearing - a key component to safe and efficient driving. A bad wheel bearing, however, can really impact your driving - and your safety. And it's a big part of why a faulty wheel bearing should be immediately serviced.

How long can you drive on a badwheel bearing

Here's a little tip, to make the bearings last a long time. Once the bearings, and seals are out, drill and tap the bearing carrier for a grease zerk. Before installing the bearings, remove the inner seal from each bearing, and press them in. Once the carrier is assembled, fill the carrier with grease, but not so much, that it squeezes out past the dust seals on the outside. I did this same thing 8 years ago, and I'm still using the same set of bearings. You will only need to give the carrier a few shots of grease every couple of months.

So my axle bearings are shot. I ordered some the other day and they sould be here tomorrow or saturday. From what I have read doing a search these are a pain in the ass to change. Anybody have some tips or tricks to make the process go a little easier?

How to tell whichwheel bearingis bad in the front

Because of their long lifespan, failure is usually caused by the typical everyday wear and tear from driving your vehicle over time.

When you visit any of our locally run service centers for wheel bearing replacement, you can rest assured that the job will be done right - that’s why each GreatWater-affiliated shop offers an industry-leading 3 Year/36,000 Mile Nationwide Warranty. But you can count on more than just premium service when you bring your vehicle to any of our partner locations, expect a first-rate customer experience as well. Â

Most quality wheel bearings can last anywhere from 100,000 to 150,000 miles before replacement is necessary. However, once it’s time for your vehicle’s wheel bearings to be replaced it’s important to do so quickly to keep your vehicle running smoothly and safely.Â

Learn the science behind engine oil and why regular oil changes matter. From conventional to synthetic, GreatWater can help you choose the right oil for your vehicle.

Wheel bearingreplacement cost

Ask for grease fittings or grease zerks. Somone should know what your talking about at an auto parts store. Even tho they are sealed bearings, you can still take the seals out. Only take the inner seal out. You can use a knife or whatever, just dont take your fingers off. I'm gonna do my first install tomorrow. I used a socket that fit into the housing that i could catch an edge of the old bearings. And a long socket extension and a hammer. It took awhile but it worked. Seems to me that the screwdriver way you would end up scoring the housing. I think i will try the long bolt with large washers for the install.

Get road trip ready with pre-trip car maintenance at GreatWater. From oil changes to brake inspections, our team ensures your vehicle is safe and roadworthy.

While you may not be able to immediately visually identify a faulty wheel bearing based on its tough-to-access location between the wheel and the axle, you can listen and feel for signs of an issue.

For more information on the importance of a wheel bearing and how to know when it might be time to replace one or more of your vehicle's bearings, contact or visit your nearest GreatWater service center today.Â

How to check for badwheel bearing

If any of the signs and symptoms we mentioned above sound familiar, then it's important to have your wheel bearings inspected. While you could possibly do this yourself at home with the help of a carjack, it's probably best to just leave it to the pros by scheduling an appointment at any of our local service centers for a thorough assessment.

We don't take shortcuts when it comes to our work, and we won't mislead you or sugarcoat anything either. As a result, we've turned one-time customers into life-long ones. Doing right by our customers is the best and only way we work - regardless of the type of vehicle issue you're experiencing. Contact us today to schedule an appointment to address any wheel-bearing, or any other repair or maintenance.

To get them out, just use a long flat blade screwdriver and tap it from the inside out. You just slide the bolt sleeve over a little to get head of the screwdriver on the edges of the bearing. Tap it out evenly around the edges to keep it from turning. If you have trouble getting it out you can heat up the outside of the carrier with a torch, but not so hot that it might warp. Once you get the new bearing lined up fairly even, tap it with a large socket that fits around the outer edge of the bearing but still fits inside the carrier. You don't want it to rest on the seals, just the metal edges. Then put the carrier in a large bench vise long ways with the socket flush on the bearing and crank it until it pushes the bearing all the way in. Repeat for the other side and you're done. If you want you can lube the inside of the carrier and the outer edge of the bearing with grease to help go in a little smoother. Lube the sleeve before you put it back in too. As far as the zerk, if you decide to install one you can get the type that tap in once you drill a hole and don't have to be threaded. You can get these at hardware stores or an autoparts store, just pic your size and match a drill bit up. The threaded type are okay, but the metal on the carriers is kind of thin so you really can't tap many threads into it. As long as you don't fill it to much with grease you won't need a relief hole for it to escape...use waterproof or marine grease for all this too. Hope that helps.


my bearings are sealed so all i would be doing is filling the void around the axle yube with grease, though i though of doing it until i i saw my new bearings were sealed so it will depend on what kind of bearings you get

Wheel bearings may sound complex, but their function is fairly simple. At the very basic level, wheel bearings are metal rings that connect the wheel and the axle. Within the metal ring is a series of ball bearings or tapered bearings, which help the wheel rotate efficiently and effectively, aiding in acceleration, braking, cornering, steering, and more vital driving functions.

However, it is worth noting that the conditions you drive in can impact how quickly your bearings will need to be replaced. For instance, if you regularly drive in muddy or wet conditions, water and other contaminants could wear away at bearings faster than normal.

Differentstrokes... When I go to the auto parts store looking for one of these zerks is that the real name for it. Also when I go to remove the axle from the carrier I have to take off one hub correct? No since in removing both if I can pull it straight out without removing the other. Anyways I dont have a hub puller that some guys on here where talking about. What is a good method of removing one of these w/out bending it up. Would a few nice hits with a rubber mallet do the trick?


I would just buy a used carrier with good bearings for about the same price as the bearing kit. No hassle, easy install, just make sure u trust the guy u are buying from. Call james @ the banshee connection (# in my sig) He sells carriers dirt cheap w/new bearings already installed. Just MO

In this post, we'll help you understand the importance of wheel bearings, how to identify wheel bearing problems, and how any of our local GreatWater-affiliated shops can help maintain and replace these key components so you can hit the road with confidence again.

How to tell whichwheel bearingis bad while driving

put the bearings in your freezer the night before you install them , the cold will shrink them down a bit , makes installing them a bit easier.

the zerk fitting is very ez.. you literally just drill a hole in the carrier... make sure you use the right size bit and then thread in a fitting.. nothing more to it...

BTW, Is there anyway to get a how to section up on this forum? What i mean is, on other forums someone will do a write-up on how to do something. Then it is in its own section and no replys can be made. It just seems like there are so many of the same topics on this forum. It would stop some of the clutter. And give newbs like myself a place to go instead of asking the same questions over and over again.

Is there a link to the zerk thing. What size bit do I use to drill it. Is a zerk some type of fitting that goes into the drilled hole. where Do I buy one of these so called zerks LOL what kind of grease do I put in? How much grease. Why do I have to remove the seal you mentioned?

Man that greaser thing sounds confusing. Dont get me wrong sounds like a good idea but im am new to this stuff and probly wount be able to do it unless someone showed me how. For now im just looking to replace the bearings and be done with it.

also im assuming you dont have a bearing press... to get them in striaght dont try to lay them on there and hti with a hammer.. get your self a long bolt and nut and 2 nice big washers. when you tighten them down they will both get pulled in nice a flat...