15112 SKF - 15112 bearing
A pillow block bearing is a type of mounted bearing housed in a solid, rectangular or oval casing, designed to provide stable support for a rotating shaft. They typically consist of an insert bearing, housing (typically made of cast iron or other durable materials like tribopolymers), inner race, outer race, and seals to protect against contaminants. Some designs also feature locking collars or set screws to secure the bearing on the shaft. Pillow block bearings are essential in applications such as conveyor belts, motors, and other industrial machinery, where consistent rotation is needed to ensure smooth and efficient operation. Pillow block bearings from igus only require a housing and insert bearing, due to the self-lubricating iglide materials that eliminate the need for external lubricants and resist dirt, dust and debris. Our pillow block bearings are rigorously tested each year inside of our 41,000ft.2 test lab in Germany, and this data is kept within our online service life calculator, which can be used to calculate how many hours a specific pillow block is expected to last within your application.
igus® GmbH points out that it does not sell any products of the companies Allen Bradley, B&R, Baumüller, Beckhoff, Lahr, Control Techniques, Danaher Motion, ELAU, FAGOR, FANUC, Festo, Heidenhain, Jetter, Lenze, LinMot, LTi DRiVES, Mitsibushi, NUM,Parker, Bosch Rexroth, SEW, Siemens, Stöber and all other drive manufacturers mention in this website. The products offered by igus® are those of igus® GmbH igus inc headquarters is located at 257 Ferris Ave, Rumford, RI 02916. igus enjoyneering center is located at 2055 Franklin Rd, Bloomfield Twp, MI 48302
Tel:0379-80888896Technical support: QQ 617976441 Fax:Mobile phone:13849960773 Email:lyboying@163.com Website:http://www.lybybearings.com Address:No.3, aerospace intelligent Innovation Industrial Park, Xianfeng Road, Yiyang County, Luoyang City
The terms "igus", "Apiro", "chainflex", "CFRIP", "conprotect", "CTD", "drylin", "dry-tech", "dryspin", "easy chain", "e-chain", "e-chain systems", "e-ketten", "e-kettensysteme", "e-skin", "e-spool", "flizz", "ibow", "igear", "iglidur", "igubal", "kineKIT", "manus", "motion plastics", "pikchain", "plastics for longer life", "readychain", "readycable", "ReBeL", "speedigus", "triflex", "robolink", "xirodur", and "xiros" are legally protected trademarks of the igus® GmbH/ Cologne in the Federal Republic of Germany and where applicable in some foreign countries.