1999-2007 GMT800 Lower Steering Column Bearing ... - steering column bearing
This pump joins an existing line of pumps from 1/4" to 2" in polypropylene, nylon, conductive nylon, PVDF, aluminum, and stainless steel. Pumpac provides a line of pump accessories including drum evacuation kits, pulsation dampeners, and batch and solenoid control units.
Pumpac introduces a new 3" aluminum, air-driven, double-diaphragm pump with a capacity up to 255 gpm. The new 3" pump shares interchangeability with major competitive pumps and has the same patented, non-stall, lube-free, and freeze-resistant air system characteristic of the Pumpac line of pumps. The pump has a minimum of components and can be assembled in less than 30 minutes. An optional surface treatment (inside and outside) is available that inhibits corrosive attack from salts. Elastomers are provided to match any application.