Sometimes during driving, dirt or some solid object can get stuck on the brake pads, which will cause a scraping sound while driving or applying the brake system.

Tireload ratingchart

Now that you are aware of the possible reasons behind this scraping sound, it’s time to tackle it promptly. If not done in time, it can place your life in danger. First of all, try to figure out where the sound is actually coming from. You can check under and around the car to identify if any foreign matter is stuck or hanging onto the vehicle. Inspect fresh and bright wear regions inside the tires and wheels. If yes, try to remove it. But how? Try driving the car in reverse by pressing your foot gently on the brake pedal. Now, release the brake and then repeat. By doing this, the stone that is stuck between the caliper and the disk will be removed. Thus, saving you from a long garage bill.

BoatUS Trailer Assist service providers say tires are the main reason they’re called to help members experiencing trouble on the road.

Load rating ctoyota

Brake shields are always made from thin metal. If they are stuck or hit by debris, they can warp, crack, and eventually fall. Without the brake shield, the rotor and brake pads will easily wear and tear. The result will be that you will hear the scraping or grinding when applying the brake system and at this time, your car brake will continue to be worn out and eventually damaged.

In case, the sound still persists, you need to visit the mechanic garage as soon as possible. Drive your car to the local auto repair shop and get it treated by a skilled mechanic. The mechanic will diagnose the whole problem proficiently and will implement the best possible steps to correctly fix it. Scraping can often lead to some extreme jeopardy situations if not treated on time. To know more about the causes and effects of scraping, you can read out some car maintenance tips from auto experts.

Load rating cvsc

So, it’s necessary to figure out this scraping sound while driving as early as possible. Let’s explore further all the things you can follow to deal with such situations.

Here are 10 tips to help ensure that you get to your fishing hole (or camping trip, horse riding adventure, etc.) on schedule:

Balance and rotate tires — Like tires on your car or tow vehicle, trailer tires that are balanced ensure proper tire wear and reduce vibration. Single axle boat-trailer tires usually don’t need to be rotated. A tandem axle trailer rotation isn’t necessary unless you notice increased wear that’s occurring faster than normal. In that case, rotate the tires from front to back, preferably in an “X” configuration.

The Triangle TR653 is backed with a 60-day total satisfaction guarantee and free one-year road hazard replacement warranty.


This bearing plays an important role in keeping your wheel rolling. It makes sure that there’s little to no friction during the motion of the wheel. Friction can be caused if the wheel bearing doesn’t function properly. So if you notice any scraping or grinding noise coming from your car while driving, noise is often heard when there’s a change in speed especially when accelerating the car, it’s a revealing sign that the wheel bearing can be saggy or loose. Worst of all, it can cause excess wear in those components.

Check the load range — Every tire has a load range, and trailer tires are no different. Marked on the sidewall, the load range runs from the lightest weight the tire can carry (Load Range B) to the heaviest (Load Range E). Load range is a measure of an individual tire’s maximum capacity to carry a boat and trailer. Most boat trailer tires have a load range of B, C, or D. If a tire has load range C, it can carry 1,820 pounds. If it’s on a single-axle trailer, this means both tires can carry a total of 3,640 pounds, which includes the weight of the trailer, the boat, the engine, fuel, and anything else inside the boat. Single-axle trailers can carry 100 percent of the load increases, psi increases.

Loadrange E

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It’s always fun to drive a car. But sometimes, your car makes some shrill metal scraping sound while driving. At first, you are not able to even recognize from where it is coming. Such scraping sound is difficult to detect and can cause extreme danger if not treated quickly. You might require the help of a qualified mechanic to fix it.


Moisture — The worst thing you can do to a trailer tire is to park it on grass for a long period of time, where moisture is going to slowly get into the tire’s protective surface. Either remove the tires during the winter or park the trailer on concrete or plywood.

LoadrangeCweight capacity

Watch your speed — Most trailer tires have a maximum speed of 65 mph. However, if speeds from 66 to 75 mph are used, the tire inflation pressure can be increased by 10 psi without any increase in load. However, the Tire and Rim Association, which sets standards for tires, suggests decreasing the load capacity of the trailer by 10 percent if you are running at these higher speeds.

To prevent these kinds of situations, it’s always advisable to go for regular inspections of your vehicle. It will keep you away from such circumstances. Also, it saves you from paying big garage bills.

Check inflation prior to going on the road when the tires are cold — The tire pressure measured in pounds per square inch (psi) will increase as the tire heats up when used. Under inflation is the cause of most tire trouble because temperatures increase when the tire pressure is too low. So, check inflation prior to going on the road. It’s marked on your tire. Remember, boat trailer tires typically need to be inflated to higher psi than tow vehicle tires. And be sure to also check the psi of the spare tire.

Keep ‘em moving — A parked trailer means the tires are bearing the weight in the same position on the tire for a long period of time. This can result in “flat spots” on a tire.

Valve Stem — Often overlooked, the valve stem may be the cause of continued low psi. Press your finger against one side of the stem and listen for any loss of air.

You need to take all the possible causes and cross-reference them with other symptoms that you see. This way you should be able to pinpoint the reason for a scraping noise while driving. Usually, if you hear this sort of sound, it’s often connected to the brake but that doesn’t narrow it down enough. Here we will discuss how to analyze the cues and the possible solutions. A few possible suspects liable for this sound include:

Make sure your trailer is on ST (Specialty Trailer) tires — A tire’s sidewall is where you learn everything: dimensions, capacities, age, and most important, purpose. A tire made for a trailer that you pull behind your car or light truck is going to have “ST” on the sidewall, or the words “Trailer Use Only.” Unlike tires on your car, trailer tires have strengthened sidewalls to handle the weight of a boat, especially when rounding corners.

You’re headed to your favorite fishing hole with visions of largemouth bass swimming in your head when you hear that sickening “wop wop” sound of a flat tire!

Load rating cchart

Inspect tread depth — Manufacturers have made it easy to recognize when you’re down to 2/32” in tread by placing a series of molded horizontal bars at the base of the grooves. These bars become flush with surrounding tread when wear reduces a groove’s depth to 2/32″. That’s also the point where tires are deemed illegal. For dependable traction, especially in the wet, don’t wait until your trailer tires become bald; replace them at 4/32” of tread remaining at the least.

By solving the issue at an early stage, you will be able to save a thousand dollars in the long run. So, next time you hear such scraping sound while driving, don’t forget to follow these useful tips. Try to solve such situations on your own. Or else, get it checked by a qualified mechanic.

Over time, brake components especially a brake pad tend to wear out, affecting the safety of operation and causing strange noises. According to the mechanism, pressing the brake pedal will cause the brake pads to press against the rotor, creating resistance that causes the wheel to stop. However, excessive wear of brake pads will make a scraping noise when traveling.


Sun — Prolonged exposure to the sun’s UV rays will deteriorate trailer tires, causing spiderweb cracks. This can be easily resolved by putting tire covers over the tires if the trailer is going to be parked for an extended period of time.

It all starts with the right tire! Producing ST tires has been a focus at Triangle for decades with a commitment to using the highest quality raw materials at one of the world’s most advanced tire plants.

Load rating ctire

A car working fine isn’t supposed to make any weird noises. However, sometimes you will hear a scraping sound while driving so what does this noise mean? Usually, when a car part fails, it will emit an unusual noise. This is an audible indicator that your car has a faulty component and needs to be repaired or replaced. So what if you hear a scraping noise while driving?

The scraping sound you hear while driving might be annoying and frustrating. Before proceeding further, you should actually be aware of the possible reasons that are responsible for producing this sound. So just using the audio signals, you won’t be able to identify the failing component.

With the grinding noise from the brakes, if you ignore this noise the first time, next time it will be a powerful grinding. When driving, the last part of the pad has worn out, forcing the metal backing plate clamping directly onto the brake disc which makes a scraping sound. The effectiveness of brake has decreased significantly and driving the car is now very dangerous. The solution for this situation is to bring your car to the car repair shop to replace the old brake with a new one as soon as possible. Additionally, if you don’t replace the old brake soon, your repair bill is going up due to the discs needing to be replaced as well.