A camshaft is a rod which rotates and slides against a piece of machinery in order to turn rotational motion into linear motion. This change of motion is accomplished by the camshaft moving further and closer from the axis of rotation as the camshaft is pushed by the machinery.[2] These moving pieces of the shaft are the cams. The linear distance moved is called the 'throw' and can be seen in Figure 1.

Cammechanism examples


Scotch yoke

Tipping buckets are filled with water, and when they are full, they tip due to their geometry, and make a wave to clean the surface. The issue is the following: We have all the bearings tighten to the axis, and we found that the buckets are moving horizontally through the bearings.

It is possible that the standard option in our Extreme bearings is not sufficient, because your construction has very long shafts, large temperature difference or other causes. in this case we supply an extra extension ring that fits between the bearing unit and the cap.


Our opinion and our advice are not guaranteed and Extreme Bearing shall not be liable for the consequences of any damages caused by incorrect advice or the contents of this website. The customer is responsible for checking that the right choice of Extreme Bearing product has been made to match their actual working conditions and dimensions.

Computer-aided manufacturing



The Extreme Bearing blocks can absorb expansion of the shaft because there is an adjustment or locating ring in the bearing housing.


Our opinion and our advice are not guaranteed and Extreme Bearing shall not be liable for the consequences of any damages caused by incorrect advice or the contents of this website. The customer is responsible for checking that the right choice of Extreme Bearing product has been made to match their actual working conditions and dimensions.

Tipping bucket is an element to clean the surface of storm tanks. When a storm happens, the storm tank is filled by water, and after the storm, once it is empty, it is necessary to clean the surface due to the sediments.

Since an automotive engine has several pistons like the piston in Figure 2, a single cam is insufficient for all of these pistons. An entire rod covered with cams must be used. This is the camshaft seen in Figure 3. Note that the precise placement of the cams along the shaft allow for precise timing of the relative valves opening and closing. This precise timing is needed since a car engine is firing at thousands of RPM.[3] Insuring the timing is proper in a car engine is one of the simpler ways to save money and energy.

Calculate the maximum shaft length depending on the temperature in your application. In case you need to mount a long shaft, it is necessary to calculate the thermal expansion or contraction and adjust the bearing position to take this into account. As an example, a stainless steel shaft of 1 metre will become 0.023 mm longer when the temperature rises by 1°C and a carbon steel shaft of 1 metre will become 0.016 mm longer when the temperature rises by 1°C. The table shows the maximum shaft length depending on how the temperature changes during operation after the time of installation.

The locating ring can be removed from a bearing block of a pair placed opposite each other so that bearing axial displacement is possible.

The function of a camshaft is dependent on how a valve works and the function of the cam itself. A valve on a cylinder head consists of two basic parts, a stem and a head (see Figure 2). The head plugs the nozzle that allows fuel intake or exhaust flow and requires linear motion.[5] A cam, in its simplest definition, is a mechanical link that converts rotational motion into linear motion, or vice versa.[2] The cams on a camshaft achieve this displacement by the rotation of a radial pattern, and a follower which moves perpendicular to the rotational axis. The cam pattern on a camshaft is non-circular with a single lobe. The follower matches the displacement of the cam as it rotates. This displacement is then translated to the stem of the valve, allowing head to rise as the lobes of the cam pass through the follower.[5]


We have an issue in one installation of our tipping buckets, where we have installed your bearings. We have 3 tipping buckets installed in a storm tank, each is suspended from 2 bearings.

A situation can arise where extreme axial displacement is required or a linear movement is required through the bearing unit. For this situation you can choose an Extreme Bearing with a Cylindiche bore without a locking adapter

A camshaft on an internal combustion heat engine is a device that controls both the input of fuel and the expulsion of exhaust fumes. It consists of several radial cams, each displacing intake or exhaust valves. This camshaft is connected to the crankshaft via belt, chain or gears. This ensures consistent timing of the valves in relation to the motion of the pistons.[3]

Extreme Bearing B.V.Hoofdstraat 45 ANL04441 AA Ovezande,The Netherlandsinfo@extremebearing.com+31 854 013 889Chamber of commerce 82408599

The seats of an Extreme Bearing are machined to a tolerance in order to provide a loose fit. The bearing seats in the housings are sufficiently wide to allow the bearing axial displacement and likewise to accommodate for thermal expansion of the shaft due to high temperatures.

There is a total clearance available for thermal expansion that is equal to the thickness of the location ring. The expansion and contraction of material must be considered in order to maintain the clearance that is required to operate the bearing well. In the diagram, the clearance for contraction by cooling is indicated by C and the clearance for expansion by heating is indicated by B. The table shows the maximum values for C and B depending on the diameter of the shaft.

Contact:Extreme Bearing B.V.Hoofdstraat 45 ANL04441 AA Ovezande,The Netherlandsinfo@extremebearing.com+31 854 013 889Chamber of commerce 82408599