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Looking from underneath may help. Don’t rely on the jack! Use ramps, or carefully placed jack stands, or run the front wheels up a curb.
I had a coolant leak I couldn’t find for a long time; it didn’t leak when it wasn’t running, didn’t leak quickly enough that I left a visible trail when I drove. I was really busy at the time so kept on adding coolant and stop-leak additives.
A UV dye kit for finding coolant leaks can also help. The dye is added, the engine run, and a blacklight shown on the engine. The coolant leak path glow like a glowworm.
My 93’ Lincoln Town car is leaking coolant. Originally I thought it was the water pump. It appears however, that it’s leaking NEAR the pump. It doesn’t look like the pump itself is leaking. My question is, is there a hose that runs through or very near the water pump that could be leaking? I can see the leak while it’s running and it is a pretty good leak, but it doesn’t hit the ground and is “puddling” right under where it’s leaking. So it’s hard to tell where it’s coming from. How should I go about getting to the hose? I can’t afford a mechanic and need my car for work. I wanna figure out what it is before I go taking things apart. Unless I have to. I’m no mechanic and any advice/insight would be appreciated and helpful. Thanks.
When my situation finally settled I figured out it was a seal in the water pump, coolant leaking out the ‘weep’ hole. I have a longitudinally-mounted engine so it was easy to change the pump; a new one was $27 @ the Zone of Auto. If you’re unsure, you can try plugging them up as a diagnostic; don’t count on the plug to hold, just as a way to tell if it’s the problem.
Other than the weep hole, I’ve seen very tiny streams from a hole in the radiator or a hose spray a foot away…fooling you as to where the leak is coming from. Look real close.
My money is on the pump. There’s a seal around the pump shaft that eventually wears out and begins weeping. Fluids migrate, and can fool you into believing their source is other than where it actually is.