Left HandThread Bolts and Nuts

The RRC can link residents to local resources, services, information, or City departments that assist a wide variety of needs. When contacting the RRC, representatives will record questions, requests, or concerns to forward them to the right department for follow-up. All records are stored in our Online Help Center database for easy tracking and to ensure every issue is resolved.  Additionally, we believe that our residents are our eyes and ears in the community and will guide us to where our attention is needed. We rely on our residents to notify the City of public nuisances, safety concerns, and potential code violations.

Who sellsLeft HandThread Bolts

Resident Response Center staff at the 2019 Mayor's Annual Holiday Toy Drive organized and hosted by the Jersey City Resident Response Center and Mayor's Office.

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The Resident Response Center (RRC) is the City’s "one-stop" office for information or assistance related to the services that City government provides. The RRC is committed to listening to our constituents’ concerns, solving their problems, and improving the quality of life for all Jersey City residents.

280 Grove Street, Basement Jersey City, NJ 07302 Directions 4 Jackson Square (39 Kearney Ave) Jersey City, NJ 07305 Directions Hours of operation: Monday-Friday; 9AM-5PM

The RRC encourages constituents to utilize SeeClickFix, a tool that helps residents easily report broken sidewalks, strewn litter or essentially any issue that may affect the quality of life where you live right from their computer or phone.