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Hi Dan, a while back I recommended this exact Duxtop unit. Now that you’ve had a few months, how has been your experience?

This is a really important feature to me! Especially for older folks and little kids! Also, no burnt kitty paws, and no accidental catching a dishcloth or some other object- oh, like papers or something else laid on the cooktop, on fire. I’m watching out for me, I think.


It’s funny you should mention this. Many years ago, I refurbished and sold a home. The new owners loved the home, but they thought they lost their cat during the move. Turns out the cat found a perch (in the kitchen) to climb up on and sleep during all the commotion of the move. That little perch became her little home and personal sleeping area. cat perch1280×961 86.5 KB

I recently received the induction burner/hob/heating element I ordered. It is the Duxtop 9100. In reading the instructions/user manual it suggests using the temperature mode for frying and browning, but it doesn’t suggest which temperature to use. The range is 140(F) to 460(F), I’m wondering what is good starting temperature for sauteing onions, etc. I do find myself sauteing onions, celery and carrots (mirepoix) as a base for a lot of dishes. Also if anyone has any tips or tricks for induction cooking, I would enjoy reading them. Thank you in advance.

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The best tip I can give is about the BTUs (heat) available on a 110V induction hob. It is not going to be as much as gas or 220V electric/induction can impart, so large vessels with a lot of food/liquids at high heat will not be the best choice in using it.

But I would quibble over the “very” part. The glass gets almost as hot as the pan atop it, and stays hot enough to burn skin for a while. Induction tops certainly cool faster than do radiant ones, though.

Thanks… As an added benefit, the induction hob/burner gets cool very quickly. I mentioned that Sunshine has been having some memory problems, so if she comes in the kitchen after I finished using it, there is less chance of her getting burnt. My radiant style cook top, stays hot for quite a while. Thanks to Goodwill and Amazon, I’ve been able to replace all of my cookware with “induction ready” pieces, sans one very large deep skillet. I only use that particular skillet for one dish and am on the lookout for an induction ready version.

As for tips, bear in mind that the coil under the glass is probably smaller than you think, so larger pans will show hotspots/unevenness. Also, don’t expect to speed boil large volumes of water.

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I’m still in the early stages of learning how to cook on an induction hob/burner/heating element and I really like it… so far. I feel I have much more control. I also like how quickly it can boil water… WOW!! This device will also reduce the amount of heat I throw into the kitchen during our hot summer months (a pleasant bonus). Now I’m kicking myself for not buying a two place hob/burner/heating element. Maybe I’ll treat myself to a (two place) one with my income tax refund.

I .took the leap and did this when my electric stove needed replacing. Nothing fancy, just a GE range. Couldn’t be happier.

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I really like it. I can control the heat a lot better than a radiant style cook top. I also like how when I reduce heat, the response is immediate. If something looks like its going to boil over, I can lower the input and avoid a problem. Hopefully in a couple of years, I can replace my current stove/cook top with an induction model. I’ll put a little money away each month until I can afford one.

With that in mind, I agree with Scott that you’ll want to aim for somewhere around the 300*F mark (or potentially even lower) when sweating veggies. The key to achieving an ideal sweat temperature is to listen to the sound as it’s cooking. Too high-pitched (think sautéed mushrooms) and you’ve overshot the mark.

I can speak from personal experience that cats are smarter than we are. I had one who used the top of an armoire as a personal perch. And launching pad.

Are you really sautéing mirepoix for recipes, or are you sweating them? Most recipes I follow call for the latter, since you don’t necessarily want to get color on your veggies, and the primary goal is to make them mellow and sweet.

IME, the temperature settings on these … affordable PICs are a complete joke. My suggestion is to stick with the power settings, and put in the time with your cookware and a good thermometer to dial in the temperatures realized in the pan(s).

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I really don’t know… I just fry them until they get a little color on them, then move to the next step. I’m very much a novice and don’t really know the difference between sweating and frying

If you’re looking for color on those onions I would recommended medium/low… which is about 300°F. Keep in mind pan temps will vary +/- from the actual hob surface (depending on the pan and how much food is in it), but not by a lot.