MONO series blocks are a special design for heavy-duty machinery, the operator could adjust the discharge vol. by plugging one of the outlets to 2X or 3X to increase the next outlet discharge. The option outlets is from 6 to 20.

Key lubrication points include chains, gears, bearings, piston rods, and various tools like clamps, vibrating screens, and feed hoppers. Distributors with varying capacities ensure proper lubrication oil quantity for different parts.

The large bluish leaves of sea kale make this perennial a beautiful consideration as a border for flower gardens. It’s another perennial green that works well for salads.


The book edible perennials and edible forest gardening (esp volume 2) are a WEALTH of information on this topic!! Love your ideas, survival mom, keep up the great work!

Sorry, that first book I was thinking of is actually called perennial vegetables, by Eric toensmeier, and the edible forest gardens book is by Dave Jacke.

Start now and add a little each year. Your edible yard will be a rewarding and tasty accomplishment in a few short years. This way, you can become increasingly self-reliant and confident as a gardener and have a supply of fresh food.

The effort involved in planning an edible landscape and then bringing that plan to life is worth every drop of sweat. I feel good knowing that everything I’ve planted will benefit my family this season and for many seasons to come.

4. Contamination Protection: Heavy equipment often operates in dusty, dirty, or wet environments, making it susceptible to contamination by particles, moisture, and debris. A lubrication system helps protect equipment by delivering clean lubricants and creating a barrier against contaminants. This prevents abrasive particles from entering critical components, reducing the risk of damage and performance degradation.

Overall, a robust lubrication system for heavy equipment is crucial for maximizing equipment performance, minimizing downtime, and reducing maintenance costs. Proper lubrication ensures smooth operation, extends equipment life, decreases wear and tear, and enhances overall productivity. It is essential to follow manufacturer guidelines and consult with lubrication experts to select the right lubricants and lubrication system for specific heavy equipment applications.

I can’t believe you didn’t mention ELDERBERRIES, with all their medicinal properties. They grow wild everywhere, but if you plant or transplant and take a little care of them they grow crazy prolific. We started with 4 nursery stock, and they put out shoots near their trunk and we have transplanted lots of them. They are so… good for you. The syrup is just like Sambucol which sells over the counter in drug stores for $3 per OUNCE. We make quarts and quarts and give it away. Also makes “tincture” with 100 proof Vodka, keeps forever just like a bottle of liquor but truly great respiratory, cold and flu medicine. If you can’t use them all you can trade for other edibles with your neighbors.

I also have a couple of rolling plant dollies for heavier pots, and selecting smaller varieties of fruit trees helps ensure that I’ll be able to reach the ripened fruit. For my smaller pots, I’ve purchased a few decorative plant holders that allow me to place pots at waist level and higher, allowing me to take care of my plants easily.

Port equipment, with intense workloads, suffers from transmission wear, making manual lubrication complex and unsafe. Routine maintenance fails to lubricate during operation. Our dual-line system addresses this, reducing regular maintenance frequency.

Now, annual plants are great. I love them for their bright patches of color. By choosing perennials, I can build my edible yard little by little each year instead of starting from scratch every time. It also means I can do some planting in late summer and fall.

A major cause of heavy-duty equipment downtime and unnecessary maintenance processes is bearing broken down caused by lack of or over grease. An automatic lubrication system with self-monitoring for heavy-duty machinery could reduce wear and increases equipment reliability. Isohitech Lubrication could provide flexible units or devices for your choice and help you avoid the repair cost.

With industry upgrades and new technologies, the increase in air suspension, disc-braked axles, and maintenance-free parts has led to reduced lubrication points. Consequently, there’s a clear demand for lighter, smaller capacity automatic lubrication systems. We’re developing lighter, smaller systems to meet these needs.

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1. Extreme Pressure (EP) Grease: EP greases contain additives such as sulfur, phosphorus, or chlorinated compounds that provide exceptional protection under extreme pressure conditions. They form a protective film that prevents metal-to-metal contact and reduces friction.

Isohitech lubrication has 20 years of experience in the lubrication industrial.We are located in Nanjing, not far from Shanghai, China.

Used in remote and often sub-zero environments, it’s challenging to manually lubricate transmission parts. Automatic systems allow operators to monitor lubrication from the cabin.

The operator could make the high-pressure hose kit in the field. It could be cut at any length, then fix the hose end to the hose. It’s very faster for the operator.Isohitech Lubrication has enough fittings that are suitable for the grease nipple.

Often treated as an annual in the north, artichokes will overwinter with mulch protection and return in the spring. They are terrific for eating fresh. The plants have large lobed leaves that add interest to sunny borders, and the unharvested artichokes produce spikey, vibrant purple blooms.

Hi Vicky! Thanks for the very kind words. Both my books are in paperback: Survival Mom and Emergency Evacuations. I’ve written a handful of ebooks that are occasionally part of a bundle sale, but for now, those are just in ebook form.

Identified by its fun, pointy leaves, this green grows well in sun or partial shade making it a good landscape filler that is great for a salad later!

A uniquely curious-looking berry that resembles strawberries but is white and has a pineapple-like taste. Sure to be a good conversation piece in any edible landscape.

With long, tapering leaves, this edible perennial works well as a border around trees and often thrives off the organic nutrients from fallen autumn leaves. A refreshing spring flavor used in many dishes.

Our production line covers the most popular oil and grease system. We could provide the hand type and electrical driven and air driven pumps at a very good cost.

Big and beautiful, this edible perennial needs room to grow. Bright red stalks and large green leaves. Remember to only eat the stalks of this plant as the leaves are poisonous.

When I use the term “edible landscape,” I simply mean filling my yard with food-producing plants instead of only flowers and ground covers. This is in addition to my Square-Foot-Garden-style boxes.

In the coal mining industry, large equipment requires regular and precise lubrication. Due to spatial constraints, traditional manual lubrication methods are insufficient. The industry now widely adopts automatic lubrication systems, offering real-time monitoring, on-demand oil supply, intelligent alarms, and remote control. Automated centralized lubrication has completely replaced manual methods in coal mining.

Wheel loaders mainly work on their front-middle part. Despite few lubrication points, frequent movements lead to overheating and wear. We recommend a small 2-4kg lubrication system for automatic lubrication.

This system targets timely and precise lubrication of bearings and hydraulic cylinder joints, reducing malfunctions and ensuring smooth operation.

Every March, I am consumed with spring fever. I can barely wait to get outdoors and turn my dull and dreary yard into a fairy tale garden, lush with edible plants galore.

Isohitech Lubrication systems are built to work in even the harshest environments and deliver lubrication consistently for optimal heavy equipment performance.

Essential in combine harvesters, focusing on lubricating the cutting blade, chains, and sprockets. Requires precise oil application, varying by part and usage. Automatic systems adjust lubrication frequency and timing effectively.

Needs comprehensive monitoring for oil pressure, temperature, and lubricant levels in closed-loop designs. Drivers can observe lubrication status from the cabin.

With its pointy spears poking through, the unique shape of thriving asparagus can certainly add an interest-peaking aspect to your yard. If left to mature, the spears become 3 to 4 feet tall with delicate stems and leaves. This perennial can take up to 2 or 3 years for asparagus plants to produce a sizable harvest, so the best time to plant asparagus was 3 years ago. The next best time is right now!

An automatic lubrication system could extend the life of and increase heavy-duty equipment operating efficiency and safety in the field. It increases productivity, reduces downtime, and increases operator safety. It could avoid over-lubricating by hand operation. The over-lubricating could cause the bearing to work in a high-pressure and dirty environment. Isohitech lubrication could provide the best price pump to let your heavy duty equipment work in good situation.

2. Synthetic Grease: Synthetic greases are formulated with synthetic base oils and advanced additives that offer superior performance under heavy load conditions. They have excellent thermal stability, oxidation resistance, and can handle high temperatures and extreme pressures.

Lemons, tangerines, oranges, and limes provide sunny green tree leaves coupled with brightly colored fruit. Try planting dwarf varieties that allow more sunlight for other plants to grow. All of these can be grown in containers and will overwinter inside a greenhouse (or IN your house) when the weather turns cold.

6. Synthetic Gear Oil: For heavy-load gear applications, synthetic gear oils are often used. These oils provide excellent protection against wear, micropitting, and scoring. They have high viscosity index, thermal stability, and can handle high shock loads.


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I still remember the delighted grins of my kids when they recognized different, colorful varieties of lettuce on a trip to Disney World. I never thought of using lettuce as both an edible and an ornamental, but there are so many colorful varieties with different textures, that they are a great choice. Lettuce tends to do best in shady areas, and I’ve included it in my list of perennials because it can fill the gap between seasons and give you an additional harvest in colder months.

Heavy equipment, including construction machinery, mining equipment, agricultural machinery, and other large-scale machines, operate under extreme conditions and heavy loads. These conditions subject the equipment to significant friction, wear, and heat generation, which can lead to premature failure and costly downtime. A well-designed lubrication system is essential to ensure the efficient and reliable operation of heavy equipment. Here’s why heavy equipment needs a lubrication system:

Green leaves, petite white flowering blossoms, and large, sweet berries. A must-have for an edible landscape! They can also attract deer, rabbits, and other 4-footed pests.

Isohitech lubrication could like to cooperate with customers from around the world, we could give you a discount on the later order. The customer will pay the sample cost and delivery cost.

Be sure that you plant only as much as you can eat or preserve. (Learn how super simple it is to can peaches here.) Otherwise, the fallen fruit becomes a nuisance in your landscape. Also, plant in areas where fallen fruit cannot damage other landscaping efforts or vehicle windshields.

When we bought our house we decided to have mostly landscape plants that were edible. We have moringa, sea grapes, katuk, citrus, cranberry hibiscus along the back border. More citrus, moringa, loquat, acerola cherry trees as specimen and side border trees. We don’t make a big deal about it but it looks nice, attracts wildlife and provides us with fruit & greens we can’t buy at the store. We fill in with ground covers of colorful sweet potato vines, nasturiums, marigolds which are all edible and grow year round as we are in south FL. All of this also complies with HOA rules which highly discourages edible gardening in the front of the house.

I’m Lisa Bedford, the founder and voice of the Survival Mom blog since 2009. I’ve authored two books and created over a dozen online courses to help families prepare for everyday emergencies and worst case scenarios. My articles have been read and shared by millions of people across the globe.

I LOVE this article!!! Thank you for the great ideas now floating around in my head. The past 2 summers have been challenging with the enormous amount of landscaping and limited amount of time we have each summer. I’ve had a bug to seriously cut back and redo our landscaping next spring. This is my new plan!!!! Everything we plant will be perennial edibles that look gorgeous. Plants that serve a purpose!!!

what would you plant to espalier along a water tank facing north east. Gets very hot How do I plant up raspberries and what do to do with a pear that has multiple leaders

Before beginning your edible landscape, sketch out a plan on paper. This will become your landscape design. In your plan, be sure to consider the following:

hey this is Vince with disaster survival magazine we are doing a special edition about women preppers, we have survival jane and many others on board we would very much like your input and for you to contribute an article. Please let us know if you have any ideas for articles. We love your website by the way.

Do not try to plant everything at once or get frustrated that all your efforts still have years to yield results. Keep in mind that many perennial plants may take two to three years to develop a strong root system and become established enough to grow and flourish. Berry bushes and asparagus are two such examples.

5. Corrosion Prevention: Exposure to moisture, chemicals, and harsh environments can cause corrosion on heavy equipment surfaces. Lubrication systems provide a protective layer of lubricant that acts as a barrier, preventing the formation of rust and corrosion. This preserves the integrity of equipment and maintains operational efficiency.

A couple of years ago, I decided to start the long but productive process of turning my small yard into a food-producing, perennial palace. I researched perennial, food-bearing plants to make the most out of my small patch of land.

Cranberries are an evergreen perennial that are a little challenging to grow but make a beautiful and tart ground cover.

1. Friction Reduction: Heavy equipment consists of various moving parts, such as gears, bearings, pistons, and joints. These components experience high levels of friction during operation, which can lead to increased wear and reduced efficiency. Lubricants reduce friction by forming a protective film between surfaces, allowing them to slide smoothly against each other.

6. Maintenance Efficiency: Heavy equipment typically has numerous lubrication points that require regular maintenance. A well-designed lubrication system simplifies the lubrication process by automating or streamlining the delivery of lubricants to multiple points. This reduces maintenance time, ensures consistent lubrication, and helps avoid missed or inadequate lubrication, which can lead to breakdowns.

Do you have any books or printable guides that you could recommend to know which plants I can grow in my area? I’m in Zone 5B

As I’ve grown older, I’ve looked for ways to continue enjoying my gardening efforts and avoid some of the physical strain it can cause to my poor, aching back and knees!

Your landscape sounds lovely, Bellen. As you describe, it seems HOA rules frequently conflict with good stewardship of resources. Glad you found ways to be compliant and still achieve additional food-growing power.

Targets hard-to-reach areas with an automatic system, especially for bearings and transmission pins in the steering mechanism.

Every climate can grow some form of nut tree. In the South, you can grow pecans, black walnut, chestnuts, and hickory. In the North, you can grow almonds, English walnuts, chestnuts, and hazelnuts. Again, your county extension office can help you identify the specific varieties that grow best in your area.

Mature trees often have unique and interesting-looking trunks, small green leaves, and tiny fruit. Be sure to consider the size of an older tree and the shaded reach of its spanning branches as it matures. Olive trees are beautiful!

NGI castors

4. Lithium Complex Grease: Lithium complex greases are versatile multi-purpose lubricants that can handle heavy loads and high temperatures. They offer excellent mechanical stability, water resistance, and oxidation resistance.

Your backyard can become so much more than just a patch of grass and a few tomato plants! This year, make the most out of your yard by planning an edible landscape. It takes a bit of research, some trial and error, but ultimately, the reward is worth it! As you read through our recommended plants, keep in mind these are perennials, plants that will grow season after season, all while producing food.

2. Wear Protection: The high loads and harsh operating conditions experienced by heavy equipment can cause accelerated wear on critical components. A lubrication system delivers appropriate lubricants to lubrication points, ensuring proper coating and protection of surfaces. This prevents direct metal-to-metal contact and reduces wear, extending the lifespan of components and reducing maintenance costs.

Add a wall of greenery in a sunny location when you plant a grape arbor. Class up your landscape with the vineyard appeal. Consider training the vines to grow over trellises creating a rainfall of colorful and delicious clusters at harvest time.

I think a backyard filled with nothing but herbs is a grand idea, and there are so many varieties, you would never get bored! Lavender, basil, oregano, thyme, rosemary, parsley—they add texture, a variety of colors, and are very forgiving! I have an 8-year-old oregano plant that continues to thrive despite my negligence!

As you browse through our list of fruit, veggies, greens, and trees, one advantage many of these have is that they are uncommon to most people You’ll be able to grow nutritious, edible plants under the radar.

3. Molybdenum Disulfide (MoS2) Grease: MoS2 greases contain solid lubricants like molybdenum disulfide, which acts as a boundary lubricant between two metal surfaces. It provides an additional layer of protection during high load operations and helps reduce friction and wear.

For large-tonnage forklifts, more manufacturers are adopting lubrication systems. We offer a 1kg system for transmission chains, hydraulic cylinder joints, and bearings, applying the right amount of grease.

Every climate can grow a type of fruit tree. Depending on the amount of heat you receive each growing season you could consider planting an orchard of apples, cherries, pears, peaches, plums, bananas, figs, persimmons, and papayas. All these provide beautiful, richly colored leaves and an array of hued contrast for a beautiful landscape.

If you have room, a stand of Jerusalem Artichokes would be great. They look like Sunflowers, and have potato like roots that are good for Diabetes, and are good food for all… I’ve heard they can be invasive, though

My annual vegetable garden normally contains tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and melons. However, I wanted to create more fresh produce for my large family of seven with much less work. If you’re interested in medicinal herbs in addition to produce, this tutorial can help you decide how to incorporate them into this process.

I use quite a few pots and raised beds. These allow me to avoid a lot of kneeling and crouching. Also, I can vary the size of pots, which makes it easier for me to move them around to sunnier spots. When we have cold autumn evenings, bringing them inside is easier.

I love your blog and noticed you have a kindle book. Will you also have a hard copy I can add to my library? Your gardening tips are the best I’ve found. Thx for sharing with us.

This is one edible landscape plant that can be planted in the early fall through early winter. Eye-catching rows of green garlic stalks add height to a planting area. Then when harvest time arrives, you’ll end up with a batch of garden-fresh garlic you can enjoy for many months.

For heavy load applications, it is important to use lubricants that can withstand high pressures and provide excellent protection against wear. Here are some commonly used lubricants for heavy load applications:

Mining crushers, often used outdoors in harsh environments, suffer from bearing and transmission wear. Traditional manual pumps fail to ensure sufficient lubrication. Electric pumps solve this by providing timely and precise lubrication to transmission parts.

Remember that it’s the root of this perennial that you want. Consider creating a separate planting area for perennials so you can dig during harvest without damaging other plants. The soil needs to be loose and prepared for harvest.

Blackberries & Raspberries – Typically produce delicate star-like white flowers in the spring and produce tasty fruit throughout the summer. The beautiful color variations of the red to blackberries provide a pop of color to any landscape.

I make a point to get outside early in the morning almost every day to check on my plants. The success of your edible landscape is proportionate to the amount of attention you give it.

Traditional logging machines use manual lubrication; more manufacturers are now equipping them with automatic lubrication devices.

Be sure to consider using wild and foraged plants to enhance what you are already growing. Read the article How to Enjoy Wild Violets for Food and Medicine for ideas as these little beauties pop up all over the country.

5. Calcium Sulfonate Complex Grease: Calcium sulfonate complex greases are known for their exceptional load-carrying capacity and resistance to water, corrosion, and extreme temperatures. They are suitable for heavy-load applications in various industries.

CSK electrical grease pump is specially designed for heavy-duty machinery. It has a high protection level and could work in very harsh environments. It maximum has 3 outlets with an internal control timer and has 2,4,6,8Kg reservoir could be choice.

I simply combine produce from my vegetable garden with plants that provide beautiful spring foliage and then sweet, delicious goodies to be enjoyed later in the summer. It’s the best of both worlds and a good quite reasonable alternative to the idea of living off a survival garden.

If I might add, consider planting winter/walking/egyptian/tree onions (they go by several different names). They are among the first plants in my yard to show signs of life in spring, and they self-sow via top sets.

Manual systems require trained maintenance personnel to correctly apply grease, recognizing its importance. It typically takes an hour to lubricate each point, leading to bearing damage over time due to delayed maintenance. Manual lubrication is time-consuming for operators. In contrast, automatic lubrication systems supply oil at set intervals, increasing equipment lifespan, reducing downtime, minimizing human involvement, and potentially decreasing the need for part replacements.

Elderberries are an excellent option, Steve. I have to be very careful of things that might interfere with my thyroid medication, though.

The following is a list of some perennial edibles to help you build your edible yard year after year, without starting over. They’ll provide food for your family in times of crisis and give you plenty of fresh produce for eating and preserving. Check out these vegetables, first.

3. Heat Dissipation: Heavy equipment generates substantial heat during operation due to internal friction and external working conditions. Proper lubrication helps dissipate this heat by carrying it away from critical components. Lubricants with good thermal conductivity and high viscosity index maintain stable operating temperatures, preventing excessive heat buildup and potential damage.

An automatic lubrication system supplies predetermined volumes of lubricating grease or oil to critical points Whether it is light-duty construction equipment or heavy-duty mining equipment, these lubrication systems are designed to perform well.

And before you eradicate any weeds, check to ensure they’re not edible! Many plants in our landscape are edible, and many have medicinal properties. It’s worth taking the time to learn how to identify them.

It is important to consider the specific requirements of your application, including the load, speed, temperature, and environment, to select the most suitable lubricant. Consulting with a lubrication specialist or the equipment manufacturer can help ensure the right choice of lubricant for your heavy load application.

Berry bushes, herbs, fruits like strawberries, and your favorite vegetables will all combine to create something beautiful and yummy. At harvest time, you’ll likely end up with more than enough to can and dehydrate food.\

Blueberries – The Patriot blueberry produces snow white bell-like blossoms in the spring, sweet fruit over the summer, and ends its season with vibrant red leaves before going dormant in the winter. Usually thought of as a northern hemisphere plant, every climate has some form of blueberry that will grow. Bonus: Blueberries are a nutritional powerhouse.