
Note Measurement deviations of up to ±10 % for several measurements taken on the same drive belt are as a rule not caused by a measurement error or fault in the unit. In most cases, measurement deviations are due to the mechanical tolerances of the drive systems.

SKFbelttension chart

Trummeter for measuring belt tension and for control the strand force of V-belts, tooth belts, power belts or similar. The optimal life time of a belt is depending on the correct belt tension.

Belt Frequencycalculator



Measurement: The belt is tapped in order to make it natural oscillating. This static natural frequency is then measured by the probe with the aid of pulsed light. Care must be taken to ensure the light is sufficiently reflected by the belt. A reflective tape must be fixed if necessary.


Belt frequency meterSKF

Set point: The set point for belt tension is specified as natural frequency in Hz or as strand force in N. It is depending to the characteristics of the drive. Alternative the set point can be calculated with the formula:

General information: To measure the belt mass precisely, we recommend that you weigh the drive belt and then recalculate this weight based on a belt of 1 meter. The strand force is calculated using the formula:

To measure the belt mass precisely, we recommend that you weigh the drive belt and then recalculate this weight based on a belt length of 1 meter.