Squealing or Growling Noise- Worn-out wheel bearings typically make a squealing or growling noise. This sound will intensify as vehicle speed increases.

Vehicle bearingreplacement

A wheel bearing is an important part of a vehicle’s braking, steering, and suspension systems. It is the component that connects the wheel to the axle and allows the wheel to turn. A wheel bearing is a set of steel ball bearings or tapers that are tightly packed in a grease-filled metal ring. They are engineered to support the entire weight of the vehicle and enable the wheel to rotate smoothly with minimum friction.

Vehicle bearingnumber


The MV6410 combines the new fluid dispenser with our popular ATF refill adapter kit to provide a complete system for servicing today's sealed automatic transmissions. The dispenser allows the operator to fill or top-off transmissions with up  to 1 gallon of fluid between refills, while the pressurized operation frees the operator from continual pumping.

Car wheelbearing


Wheel bearings can fail for a variety of reasons and can also be damaged. They are especially vulnerable if you hit a tall curb, pothole, or speed bump at a high speed. If water, road salt, or mud gets past the waterproof seal and touches the bearings, it will contaminate the grease and cause the bearings to wear down and break prematurely.


Clicking Sound- A problem with the wheel hub assembly is commonly heard as a clicking sound which increases in frequency as the vehicle accelerates.

How to tell which wheelbearingis bad while driving

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It is best to avoid driving with a bad wheel bearing for any length of time. Doing so could have severe consequences for the drive-axle and steering assembly, as well as, for your safety.

Humming Noise- If you hear a humming or whirring noise while driving, typically at higher speeds, that could be a bad bearing. But be careful- a humming noise can also be linked to other issues such as tires or the CV joint.

Front wheelbearingnoise symptoms

Wheelbearingreplacement cost


When it comes to auto repair and maintenance, Lou’s Car Care is the right choice. Serving Baldwinsville, NY and the surrounding communities since 1976. Call us or schedule an appointment online today!

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2. To order by phone, call 1-800-368-6787. Our customer service representatives are available from 7:30 AM until 7:00 PM CST, Monday through Friday.