If you want your car's wheel bearings to be trouble-free and long-lasting, remember that one of the main causes of their failures is aggressive driving. If you like to "draw the sun" and make sharp turns, the wheel bearings have a heavy lateral load. As a result, they wear out faster and may even break down. Therefore, in order to protect the wheel bearings from premature wear, drive well, avoid aggressive actions and sharp rapid turns.

A wheel bearing is a set of steel balls connected by a metal ring. It sits tightly in the middle of the hub. Wheel bearings require grease to lubricate them, with a seal keeping the grease in the bearing. The seal also acts as a barrier against dirt and debris that can cause corrosion. The seal is essential to the durability of the wheel bearing.

How to fixnoisy wheel bearing

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Squealing can be the cause of many defects. The fact, that it is the wheel bearing squealing, can be clarified with some signs. First of all, notice whether the sound intensifies while making a turn. Usually, if the problem is in the bearing, the sound is the loudest while making a turn. If it squeals while turning to the left, that means the right bearing is worn out, and the other way around if the sound intensifies while turning to the right. If you want to find out which bearing has the problem, try to maneuver in a safe space so that you would avoid causing a traffic accident. Even though this check-up can be done either by a beginner driver, it is still better to double-check at a car service.

Noisy wheel bearingsymptoms

Also, the quality of your car model and parts. Normal bearing life is about 100 thousand kilometres. Of course, cheap Chinese bearings will serve you much shorter.

Badwheel bearingsound

You should be getting your tires balanced on a regular basis for many reasons. One of those reasons is to protect your wheel bearings. If your tires are not balanced you will be putting uneven strain on certain tires, causing those wheel bearings to work much harder, and wear out faster.

If you get your tires rotated regularly but there is still a significantly uneven tread on them you should have your wheel bearings and shocks/struts checked.

The most common and easiest sign of wheel bearing failure is the noise it will make. If you hear a growling, rumbling, humming, screeching, or squealing noise that gets louder or goes away as you change driving speed, you should take it to your mechanic to have your wheel bearings checked.

Wheel bearingnoise when accelerating

Squealing wheel bearing can be easily identified. After noticing it, it’s better not to ignore it. Trafic.no experts say that not fixing this problem can become costly and dangerous. How to recognise that this incredible noise is caused by the wheel bearing and what to do then?

If you consistently drive on bumpy roads, dirt roads, salty roads, or roads with potholes this will take a toll on your wheel bearings. The wheel bearings are carrying your entire car while ensuring your wheels continue to spin as needed. We put a lot of strain on them just from daily driving. When bumps occur we are putting extra strain on them.

Wheel bearingnoise quick fix

You’ve probably never thought about how your tires work. They sit under your car and help get you where you need to go. But, there are many components to a car wheel and one of the extremely important ones is the wheel bearing. Wheel bearing failure can cause serious problems for you and your car so it is beneficial to know what a wheel bearing is and what pitfalls to avoid in order to prevent wheel bearing failure.

Replacing a bearing in the salon is an inexpensive and relatively simple procedure costing up some tens of euros. Trafic.no experts advise against going to a worse service to save money. In cheap "garage" repair shops, bearings are simply hammered. This is not really good for the bearing itself. Therefore, choose a service where the bearings will be reliably installed on a press machine by well-trained and knowledgeable professionals.

Squealing bearing produces unpleasant noise and increases fuel consumption by increasing wheel resistance due to wear. But this is far from the biggest problem. Ignoring a worn wheel bearing puts your travel safety at risk. If the bearing is heavily worn, the bearing may even break, causing the wheel to come loose. Broken bearings can also lead to the loss of the car's brakes. Another extremely dangerous situation is a stuck wheel. At high speeds, this can be a tragedy - the car can start slipping and, at worst, tip over.

The simple answer is to change the defected part as soon as possible. Some drivers are convinced that if the wheel bearing squeals only when cornering and not on straight roads, it does not need to be replaced. However, trafic.lt experts warn that safety is not worth the risk. It is better not to joke with worn out bearings, especially if you are traveling fast and long distances. Also, riding with a worn bearing will damage the car and accelerate wear on other parts.

Noisy wheel bearingwhile driving

Wheel bearings allow the wheel to spin rapidly without too much friction. They also carry the weight of the car, which can be over 4,000 pounds.

If your wheel bearing fails, it can cause the wheel to stop while you are driving or possibly even to fall off. At the very least, before a wheel falls off, a failed wheel bearing can/will cause significant damage to your vehicle, so it’s very important to keep an eye on these and keep them maintained. If you suspect a wheel bearing failure do not continue to drive on it. Take it to your mechanic immediately. And don’t hesitate to consult your mechanic if you have any questions about your wheel bearings at all. They are happy to help and want to keep you safe.

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The cost of new bearings ranges from ten to several hundred euros. It depends on the type of bearing, the manufacturer, the car. The newer and more luxurious the car, the more the new bearings will cost you. You can save by shopping online, looking for promotions and special offers.

Wheel bearingreplacement cost

If you recently had your wheel bearings installed or repaired and you are still experiencing issues, take it back to your mechanic immediately. In order to avoid this inconvenient and unsafe situation, it is important to find a reliable mechanic that you trust to do a good job in the first place.

Frontwheel bearingnoise symptoms

Unfortunately, another common cause of wheel bearing failure is improper installation. This can occur if a mechanic is negligent or doesn’t install the wheel bearings according to manufacturer guidelines. They may also use poor quality wheel bearings. Using a low quality wheel bearing will cause premature wear and possible failure because they will mix hard and soft metal, causing spalling to occur. Spalling is when the bearing wears down enough to the soft metal underneath, which will peel off in flakes.


A good wheel bearing made of high quality steel should last 100,000 miles or more, if you take care of it and your car in general.

The other danger is salt and dirt on the road. Salt will wear out your seals, allowing dirt to sneak into your wheel bearing. These contaminants can compromise the lubricant, which is necessary to prevent too much friction. Over time this will cause wheel bearing failure. If you consistently drive in poor road conditions you will need to have your wheel bearings checked sooner than the average vehicle.

While the seal is there to act as a barrier against dirt, debris, and water, it cannot withstand large quantities of water putting pressure on it. Driving in water that is hub deep or higher may allow water into the wheel bearing. This will contaminate the lubricant, causing potential wheel bearing failure. This is why the passenger side wheel bearings tend to wear out more quickly, since they spend more time in standing water in the gutter, when parked. If you have driven through flooded roads or puddles, you should have your wheel bearings checked immediately.

If you haul heavy loads your wheel bearings will wear out more quickly. An often forgotten wheel bearing is on trailers. So don’t forget to have those wheel bearings checked along with your vehicle. If your vehicle is consistently weighed down, you will need to replace your wheel bearings more frequently.