23960-B-MB-C3 FAG Spherical Roller Bearing - 23960
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Ballbearing lifein hours
Isn't labor generally, roughly, about, approximately 80-100 dollars an hour at an indy shop? I feel like that is the range i have heard tossed around. So I suppose whatever book time is times that if you are supplying the parts. Sorry this reply isn't of more value.
Calculate a catalog bearing life using the loads applied to the bearing and limited description of the local environment.
SKFbearing lifeCalculator
My 2002 Silverado needs new front wheel bearings... badly. I have been planning to do them myself, but some general wrenching fatigue, lack of appropriate Torx bits, and a severe lack of time have kept me form doing the job. I've been "one weekend away" from fixing it for about a month and a half, and I'm starting to think of farming it out to someone else to do the job. I haven't been to a mechanic in forever though. I already have the parts, what should I expect to pay for labor?
Yeah, the going rate for good labor is $150-$250/hour these days. And they'll want to use their own parts unless you already have a great relationship with the shop.
Bearing lifein hours
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Sigh. It really needs ball joints too, and I don't really have an extra $1,000 to just drop on something like this. I guess some late night wrenching is in order.
Most mechanics won't let you use your own parts now a days. So that may be problematic as well. I'd say about $450 plus parts. They will will want to replace the whole hub and not just the bearing. So $250-$300 for the hub.
Bearing lifecalculation pdf
The average cost for a Chevrolet Silverado 2500 HD wheel bearing replacement is between $384 and $489. Labor costs are estimated between $179 and $226 while parts are priced between $205 and $263. This range does not include taxes and fees, and does not factor in your specific model year or unique location.