Classification: Luo-Connecting point of the Du Vessel Crossing point of the Du Vessel and the Kidney and Spleen Meridians

Mityvac brake BleederKit

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Needling: Oblique insertion .8 - 1.0 cun right in front of the coccyx.  Perpendicular insertion can easily injure the rectum.

Mityvac Brake Bleederparts

Notes: Luo-Connecting points of one meridian can communicate with two meridians. They treat diseases of the collaterals and can be used to treat chronic diseases, especially chronic diseases of the Zang-Fu organs. Clinically, Luo-Connecting points are often combined with Yuan-Source points in the treatment of diseases.

The original Mityvac hand vacuum/pressure pump kit is used by service professionals worldwide for performing hundreds of diagnostic and mechanical tests and for one-person brake bleeding.

Functions: Regulates the Du and Ren Vessels, treats hemorrhoids, activates the meridian, benefits the coccyx, alleviates pain.

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