3313-2RS INA - 3313
We provide support for projects in open competition and for stand-alone initiatives. In addition, we award numerous prizes for scientific research and education.
Evaluation of applications and selection of grant awardees will be based on the scientific excellence of both the investigator and the proposed research program and their benefits to the Danish Research Ecosystem.
Stage I: The Laureate candidate should submit the initial application, including Letters of support from the Danish host institution (application deadline 31 October 2024). Applications must be completed following the instructions in the “Guidelines for applicants” pdf, found on this website when the system opens. Additional essential information regarding eligibility, funding and the application process is found in this pdf.
Stage III: All candidates who successfully submit a full research proposal are invited for an on-site interview in March 2025.
Existing law, the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act, which is administered by the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, regulates the application for, and the issuance and suspension of, alcoholic beverage licenses. Existing law provides for moneys collected as fees pursuant to the act to be deposited in the Alcohol Beverage Control Fund, with those moneys generally allocated to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control upon appropriation by the Legislature. Existing law provides that any on- or off-sale licensee, or agent or employee of a licensee who sells, gives, or delivers to any person any alcoholic beverage between the hours of 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. of the same day, and any person who knowingly purchases any alcoholic beverages between those hours, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
This bill would, notwithstanding the provision described above and until January 1, 2030, authorize alcoholic beverage sales to occur between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. upon the on-sale licensed premises operated in a fully enclosed arena with a seating capacity of at least 18,000 seats located in the City of Inglewood if specified conditions are met. In this regard, the bill would require that the sales occur in a private area in the arena no larger than 2,500 square feet in the hours immediately following a day on which a sporting event, concert, or other major event, or a private event not open to the public, has occurred in the arena, as specified. The bill would also require the licensee to file a request with the governing body of the City of Inglewood for adoption of an ordinance that would allow that activity, notify local law enforcement agencies of the request, and if such an ordinance is adopted, submit the ordnance to the department, as specified. The bill would require the licensee to have a permit issued by the department authorizing that activity. The bill would set the initial fee for this permit at $2000 and the renewal fee at $1,500, and would require those fees to be deposited into the Alcohol Beverage Control Fund.
The bill would authorize the department to adopt rules as it determines to be necessary for the administration of these provisions. The bill would require the City of Inglewood to submit a report to the department on the impact of these provisions one year after any licensee receives the required permit from the department and once annually thereafter, as specified.
This bill would make legislative findings and declarations as to the necessity of a special statute for the City of Inglewood.
We provide support for projects in open competition and for stand-alone initiatives. In addition, we award numerous prizes for scientific research and education.
Digital Democracy informs Californians, holds officials accountable, and builds a stronger community. Brought to you by the 501(c)(3) nonprofit and nonpartisan CalMatters newsroom.
Stage II: Up to three candidates are invited to submit a full research proposal (application deadline 6 February 2025), which is sent for external peer review. The Stage II application must be completed and submitted using the NNF’s application system following the instructions in the “Information and guidelines for applicants”.
NNF Laureate Research Grant is for recruitment or retainment of an outstanding established biomedical researcher to come to Denmark from abroad or stay in Denmark to further expand their research, and to facilitate collaboration across scientific and geographic borders, thereby strengthening the Danish biomedical research environment to meet societal challenges.
We support a wide range of projects and initiatives that benefit people’s lives, society and the planet. We have three focus areas.
We support a wide range of projects and initiatives that benefit people’s lives, society and the planet. We have three focus areas.