where Xsax is given in the AHR bearing tables for each type of bearing. 2. Combined, equivalent dynamic load: The numerical values for e, Xsax, Xdax2, Xdax3 are given in the AHR bearing tables. Top of Page

1. Combined, equivalent static load: 2. Combined, equivalent dynamic load: The numerical values for e, Xsax, Xdax2, Xdax3 are given in the AHR bearing tables. Top of Page

If Fsax/Fsrad > 0.8, Fstatic = 0.6 Fsrad + 0.5 Fsax If Fsax/Fsrad < 0.8, Fstatic = Fsrad 2. Equivalent Dynamic Load: Fdyn = Xdrad · Fsrad + Xdax · Fsax where X and Y are dependent upon the ratio Co/Fsax, as listed in the following table: Co / Fsax e Fsax / Fsrad < e Fsax / Fsrad > e Xdrad Xdax Xdrad Xdax 5      0.35 1 0 0.56 1.26 10      0.29 1 0 0.56 1.49 15      0.27 1 0 0.56 1.64 20      0.25 1 0 0.56 1.76 25      0.24 1 0 0.56 1.85 30      0.23 1 0 0.56 1.92 50      0.20 1 0 0.56 2.13 70      0.19 1 0 0.56 2.28 Top of Page

1. Deep Grove Ball Bearings     2. Cylindrical Roller Bearings     3. Needle Bearings     4. Tapered Roller Bearings     5. 40º Angular Contact Ball Bearings     6. Self-Aligning Ball Bearings     7. Self-Aligning Spherical Roller Bearings     8. Thrust Ball Bearings

4. Tapered Roller Bearings     5. 40º Angular Contact Ball Bearings     6. Self-Aligning Ball Bearings     7. Self-Aligning Spherical Roller Bearings     8. Thrust Ball Bearings

Sleevebearing vs bushing

2. Combined, equivalent dynamic load: The numerical values for e, Xsax, Xdax2, Xdax3 are given in the AHR bearing tables. Top of Page

A. Single or in tandem 40º angular contact ball bearings   1. Combined, equivalent static load:   2. Combined, equivalent dynamic load: B. Back to back or face to face 40º angular contact ball bearings   1. Combined, equivalent static load:   2. Combined, equivalent dynamic load: where Fsrad and Fsax are the loads acting upon the bearing pair. Top of Page

B. Back to back or face to face 40º angular contact ball bearings   1. Combined, equivalent static load:   2. Combined, equivalent dynamic load: where Fsrad and Fsax are the loads acting upon the bearing pair. Top of Page


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2. Combined, equivalent dynamic load: B. Back to back or face to face 40º angular contact ball bearings   1. Combined, equivalent static load:   2. Combined, equivalent dynamic load: where Fsrad and Fsax are the loads acting upon the bearing pair. Top of Page

A load component is produced in the axial direction when radial loads are experienced by angular contact and tapered roller bearings. Because of this asymmetry, these types of bearings are often used in pairs, either face to face or back to back. The axial loads can be calculated using the following equation: Component load in the axial direction = Fai = 0.6Fsrad / Xdax Let us assume that radial loads R1 and R2 are applied to bearings 1 and 2 respectively, and an external axial load Fae is applied as illustrated. If the axial load factors Xdax1 and Xdax2 and the radial load factor Xdrad apply, then the equivalent loads P1 and P2 can be calculated as follows: A. Single or in tandem 40º angular contact ball bearings   1. Combined, equivalent static load:   2. Combined, equivalent dynamic load: B. Back to back or face to face 40º angular contact ball bearings   1. Combined, equivalent static load:   2. Combined, equivalent dynamic load: where Fsrad and Fsax are the loads acting upon the bearing pair. Top of Page

2. Combined, equivalent dynamic load: The numerical values for e, Xsax, Xdax2, Xdax3 are given in the AHR bearing tables. Top of Page

Co / Fsax e Fsax / Fsrad < e Fsax / Fsrad > e Xdrad Xdax Xdrad Xdax 5      0.35 1 0 0.56 1.26 10      0.29 1 0 0.56 1.49 15      0.27 1 0 0.56 1.64 20      0.25 1 0 0.56 1.76 25      0.24 1 0 0.56 1.85 30      0.23 1 0 0.56 1.92 50      0.20 1 0 0.56 2.13 70      0.19 1 0 0.56 2.28 Top of Page

Bearing bushingsleeve

This section contains the bearing data that is needed for calculating the load and life of rolling element bearings, including     1. Deep Grove Ball Bearings     2. Cylindrical Roller Bearings     3. Needle Bearings     4. Tapered Roller Bearings     5. 40º Angular Contact Ball Bearings     6. Self-Aligning Ball Bearings     7. Self-Aligning Spherical Roller Bearings     8. Thrust Ball Bearings

Fdyn = Xdrad · Fsrad + Xdax · Fsax where X and Y are dependent upon the ratio Co/Fsax, as listed in the following table: Co / Fsax e Fsax / Fsrad < e Fsax / Fsrad > e Xdrad Xdax Xdrad Xdax 5      0.35 1 0 0.56 1.26 10      0.29 1 0 0.56 1.49 15      0.27 1 0 0.56 1.64 20      0.25 1 0 0.56 1.76 25      0.24 1 0 0.56 1.85 30      0.23 1 0 0.56 1.92 50      0.20 1 0 0.56 2.13 70      0.19 1 0 0.56 2.28 Top of Page

Cylindrical roller bearings do not typically experience significant axial loads, so we can assume the following: 1. Equivalent Bearing Static Load: Fstatic = Fsrad 2. Dynamic Load: Fdyn = Fsrad Top of Page

Component load in the axial direction = Fai = 0.6 Fsrad / Xdax Let us assume that radial loads R1 and R2 are applied to bearings 1 and 2 respectively, and an external axial load Fae is applied as illustrated. If the axial load factors Xdax1 and Xdax2 and the radial load factor Xdrad apply, then the equivalent loads P1 and P2 can be calculated as follows: 1. Combined, equivalent static load: 2. Combined, equivalent dynamic load: Top of Page

Bearing bushing

2. Equivalent Dynamic Load: Fdyn = Xdrad · Fsrad + Xdax · Fsax where X and Y are dependent upon the ratio Co/Fsax, as listed in the following table: Co / Fsax e Fsax / Fsrad < e Fsax / Fsrad > e Xdrad Xdax Xdrad Xdax 5      0.35 1 0 0.56 1.26 10      0.29 1 0 0.56 1.49 15      0.27 1 0 0.56 1.64 20      0.25 1 0 0.56 1.76 25      0.24 1 0 0.56 1.85 30      0.23 1 0 0.56 1.92 50      0.20 1 0 0.56 2.13 70      0.19 1 0 0.56 2.28 Top of Page

A. Single or in tandem 40º angular contact ball bearings   1. Combined, equivalent static load:   2. Combined, equivalent dynamic load: B. Back to back or face to face 40º angular contact ball bearings   1. Combined, equivalent static load:   2. Combined, equivalent dynamic load: where Fsrad and Fsax are the loads acting upon the bearing pair. Top of Page

Bushing vs bearingfriction

A load component is produced in the axial direction when radial loads are experienced by angular contact and tapered roller bearings. Because of this asymmetry, these types of bearings are often used in pairs, either face to face or back to back. The axial loads can be calculated using the following equation: Component load in the axial direction = Fai = 0.6 Fsrad / Xdax Let us assume that radial loads R1 and R2 are applied to bearings 1 and 2 respectively, and an external axial load Fae is applied as illustrated. If the axial load factors Xdax1 and Xdax2 and the radial load factor Xdrad apply, then the equivalent loads P1 and P2 can be calculated as follows: 1. Combined, equivalent static load: 2. Combined, equivalent dynamic load: Top of Page

2. Cylindrical Roller Bearings     3. Needle Bearings     4. Tapered Roller Bearings     5. 40º Angular Contact Ball Bearings     6. Self-Aligning Ball Bearings     7. Self-Aligning Spherical Roller Bearings     8. Thrust Ball Bearings

where Xsax is given in the AHR bearing tables for each type of bearing. 2. Combined, equivalent dynamic load: The numerical values for e, Xsax, Xdax2, Xdax3 are given in the AHR bearing tables. Top of Page

Bush andbearingdifference

3. Needle Bearings     4. Tapered Roller Bearings     5. 40º Angular Contact Ball Bearings     6. Self-Aligning Ball Bearings     7. Self-Aligning Spherical Roller Bearings     8. Thrust Ball Bearings

A. Single or in tandem 40º angular contact ball bearings   1. Combined, equivalent static load:   2. Combined, equivalent dynamic load: B. Back to back or face to face 40º angular contact ball bearings   1. Combined, equivalent static load:   2. Combined, equivalent dynamic load: where Fsrad and Fsax are the loads acting upon the bearing pair. Top of Page

B. Back to back or face to face 40º angular contact ball bearings   1. Combined, equivalent static load:   2. Combined, equivalent dynamic load: where Fsrad and Fsax are the loads acting upon the bearing pair. Top of Page

1. Equivalent Bearing Static Load: Fstatic = Fsrad 2. Dynamic Load: Fdyn = Fsrad 3. Safety Factor: So >= 3 Top of Page

1. Combined, equivalent static load:   2. Combined, equivalent dynamic load: B. Back to back or face to face 40º angular contact ball bearings   1. Combined, equivalent static load:   2. Combined, equivalent dynamic load: where Fsrad and Fsax are the loads acting upon the bearing pair. Top of Page

1. Combined, equivalent static load:   2. Combined, equivalent dynamic load: where Fsrad and Fsax are the loads acting upon the bearing pair. Top of Page

Ball Bushing

2. Combined, equivalent dynamic load: The numerical values for e, Xsax, Xdax2, Xdax3 are given in the AHR bearing tables. Top of Page

1. Equivalent Static Load: If Fsax/Fsrad > 0.8, Fstatic = 0.6 Fsrad + 0.5 Fsax If Fsax/Fsrad < 0.8, Fstatic = Fsrad 2. Equivalent Dynamic Load: Fdyn = Xdrad · Fsrad + Xdax · Fsax where X and Y are dependent upon the ratio Co/Fsax, as listed in the following table: Co / Fsax e Fsax / Fsrad < e Fsax / Fsrad > e Xdrad Xdax Xdrad Xdax 5      0.35 1 0 0.56 1.26 10      0.29 1 0 0.56 1.49 15      0.27 1 0 0.56 1.64 20      0.25 1 0 0.56 1.76 25      0.24 1 0 0.56 1.85 30      0.23 1 0 0.56 1.92 50      0.20 1 0 0.56 2.13 70      0.19 1 0 0.56 2.28 Top of Page

Bushing vs ball bearingpros and cons

5. 40º Angular Contact Ball Bearings     6. Self-Aligning Ball Bearings     7. Self-Aligning Spherical Roller Bearings     8. Thrust Ball Bearings

where X and Y are dependent upon the ratio Co/Fsax, as listed in the following table: Co / Fsax e Fsax / Fsrad < e Fsax / Fsrad > e Xdrad Xdax Xdrad Xdax 5      0.35 1 0 0.56 1.26 10      0.29 1 0 0.56 1.49 15      0.27 1 0 0.56 1.64 20      0.25 1 0 0.56 1.76 25      0.24 1 0 0.56 1.85 30      0.23 1 0 0.56 1.92 50      0.20 1 0 0.56 2.13 70      0.19 1 0 0.56 2.28 Top of Page

Needle bearings are designed to only withstand radial, not axial loads so that: 1. Equivalent Bearing Static Load: Fstatic = Fsrad 2. Dynamic Load: Fdyn = Fsrad 3. Safety Factor: So >= 3 Top of Page

Component load in the axial direction = Fai = 0.6Fsrad / Xdax Let us assume that radial loads R1 and R2 are applied to bearings 1 and 2 respectively, and an external axial load Fae is applied as illustrated. If the axial load factors Xdax1 and Xdax2 and the radial load factor Xdrad apply, then the equivalent loads P1 and P2 can be calculated as follows: A. Single or in tandem 40º angular contact ball bearings   1. Combined, equivalent static load:   2. Combined, equivalent dynamic load: B. Back to back or face to face 40º angular contact ball bearings   1. Combined, equivalent static load:   2. Combined, equivalent dynamic load: where Fsrad and Fsax are the loads acting upon the bearing pair. Top of Page

1. Combined, equivalent static load: where Xsax is given in the AHR bearing tables for each type of bearing. 2. Combined, equivalent dynamic load: The numerical values for e, Xsax, Xdax2, Xdax3 are given in the AHR bearing tables. Top of Page

2. Combined, equivalent dynamic load: B. Back to back or face to face 40º angular contact ball bearings   1. Combined, equivalent static load:   2. Combined, equivalent dynamic load: where Fsrad and Fsax are the loads acting upon the bearing pair. Top of Page

2. Combined, equivalent dynamic load: The numerical values for e, Xsax, Xdax2, Xdax3 are given in the AHR bearing tables. Top of Page

Let us assume that radial loads R1 and R2 are applied to bearings 1 and 2 respectively, and an external axial load Fae is applied as illustrated. If the axial load factors Xdax1 and Xdax2 and the radial load factor Xdrad apply, then the equivalent loads P1 and P2 can be calculated as follows: A. Single or in tandem 40º angular contact ball bearings   1. Combined, equivalent static load:   2. Combined, equivalent dynamic load: B. Back to back or face to face 40º angular contact ball bearings   1. Combined, equivalent static load:   2. Combined, equivalent dynamic load: where Fsrad and Fsax are the loads acting upon the bearing pair. Top of Page