5305-00-709-8540 - HEXAGON HEAD CAP SCREW - ff-s-85
3 bearings failed under extended warranty. Final one failed when just out of warranty.Update from Sep 28, 2015: Bearings have not yet again failed. Miles now 153,000.
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Front, driver side wheal bearing needed replacement at 65,000 miles. I can't believe I have to do such a repair already. I drove my 96 Explorer for 180,000 miles and never had to replace a single bearing.
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After buying a 2007 Ford Explorer V8 as my fist car I unassumingly bought a money sucking problem. The problems started a month after buying the car with transmission clunking. Last month the right rear wheel bearing failed. The humming sound progressively got worse and worse until I was forced to get it fixed. The part cost $212 and the labor was $350. It seems that I am going to have to live under a bridge or sell this car at a lost. This is my first financial mistake.
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CarComplaints.com ® is an online automotive complaint resource that uses graphs to show automotive defect patterns, based on complaint data submitted by visitors to the site. The complaints are organized into groups with data published by vehicle, vehicle component, and specific problem.