Multiaxis loadcell

These rigid, compact and precise sensors (0.2 to 1%) are integrated in robotics, production machines and test benches, for aeronautics, packaging, automotive, medical, etc.

The calibration and connection ranges are customizable. Adaptation parts, conditioning and acquisition modules are available as an option.

6axis loadcell

For the measurement of the 3 forces Fx, Fy, Fz simultaneously. The measuring ranges are between 20N and 450 kN per axis. Each sensor is delivered with a calibration certificate. The 3-axis fatigue sensors TR3D are designed for endurance tests. These rigid, compact and precise sensors (0.2 to 1%) are integrated in robotics, production machines and test benches, for aeronautics, packaging, automotive, medical, etc. The calibration and connection ranges are customizable. Adaptation parts, conditioning and acquisition modules are available as an option.

3axis loadcell


For the measurement of the 3 forces Fx, Fy, Fz simultaneously. The measuring ranges are between 20N and 450 kN per axis. Each sensor is delivered with a calibration certificate. The 3-axis fatigue sensors TR3D are designed for endurance tests.
