608 ZZ / 608-2RS (8x22x7) Deep Groove Ball Bearing - 608 2rs bearing dimensions
That’s the way I used to look at it, but it’s not what Tom’s saying and not what’s in the SKF (Europe) book. I’m going to go through an example, not so much for your benefit but to repeat it for myself so maybe I’ll remember it.
6302rs bearingequivalent
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A deep groove ball bearing 6030 is to be used in an electric motor The bearing accommodates normal to heavy loads (0,05 C < P ≤ 0,1 C), and requirements for speed and precision are moderate. An interference it on the shaft is required For this it, the shaft diameter should be 150 m6 (E). The total radial run-out should be within IT5/2 (from table 3: 18/2 = 9 μm), and the total axial run-out of the abutment should be within IT5 (from table 3: 18 μm). The dimensional tolerance zone in light grey and the tolerance zone for the total radial run-out in light blue are shown in Fig. 4 attached. The blue zone can be located at any place within thelight grey zone, but must not be wider than 9 μm.
Then there’s that SKF terminology for what I call roundness (uniformity among diametral mic measurements) which they call “Total Radial Runout”… I don’t really like that terminology because it's nothing like what we call TIR and it’s not something we would typically measure with a dial indicator. It also introduces that factor of 2 to account for the radial vs diametral aspect which is unnecessary for me because everything we look at regarding fits is diametral vs radial. That SKF terminology only adds confusion for me personally (but I'm sure it's perfectly natural to someone who is immersed in the world of dimensioning and tolerancing).
Attached shows typical 6309 bearing 100mm Housing with H7 fit. Bearing limits: 99.985-100.000 mmHousing limits 100.000-100.035 mmMinimum resulting clearance is Min Housing – Max Bearing = 100 – 100 = 0.Max resulting clearance is Max Housing – Min Bearing = 100.035-99.985 = 0.050mm0 – 50 um Loose matches the table.
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Unrelated to bearing fit checks, we often do Total Indicated Runout (TIR) checks with a dial indicator while the machine is assembled which measures the combined effects of off-center rotation and (lack of) roundness.
6302rs bearingprice
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Hi Sledder. Thanks for the comments. I’m not really talking about items that have come straight from the machine shop. I’m talking about checking motor bearing fits on 30 year old motors that may have had the bearings changed a few times along the way. Typically we find housing bores large and shafts small… we don't specify any limits for roundness but I was asked about that recently when a shaft was found somewhat out of round in a shop mechanic's judgement. One question we faced was whether we should risk making it too small by trying to sand/polish it rounder... when we didn't even know what the roundness requirement was!
6302RS Bearingdimensions
… we don't specify any limits for roundness but I was asked about that recently when a shaft was found somewhat out of round in a shop mechanic's judgement. One question we faced was whether we should risk making it too small by trying to sand/polish it rounder... when we didn't even know what the roundness requirement was.
The surface texture of a bearing seat hasless of an impact on bearing performancecompared to the dimensional and geometricaltolerances of the seat. However, thetexture of the mating surfaces affectssmoothing, which can reduce the interferencein a it. The surface texture should belimited to ensure the required it is obtained.Guideline values for the roughness profileparameter Ra are listed in the table attached. Theserecommendations apply to ground seats,which are normally assumed for shaft seats.For housing seats, which are normally fine-turned,the Ra values may be one classhigher. For applications where some loss ofinterference is not critical, rougher surfacesthan recommended in the table attached can be used.
Thanks John. Yes our guys check bearing fit based on mic measurements… so the deviation among those is related to lack roundness (at least my definition of roundness). My definition of eccentricity is related to things that rotate about an axis different than their geometric center / ideal axis (like a balancer might use the term) but I realize there are other definitions of that term related to the degree that an ellipse deviates from circular (like a prox probe analyst might use when describing orbits) so I avoid that term eccentricity and just talk about off-center rotation (which I assume was your intention)
6302rs bearingcross reference
Tables 2 and 8 of SKF Europe document indicates housing bore radial runout tolerance IT6/2 (per side) = IT6 diametral IT 6 means all housing bore diametral readings should be within 0.022mm of each other. That’s a narrower range than the original range table H7 / IT7 which was 0.035mm wide (100.000-100.035)Whether or not that is truly required is another discussion. It is my perception that most people involved in maintenance are more familiar with the tables than the roundness requirements. That is certainly the case at our plant (including me) and I certainly can't point to any adverse effects that have resulted from us neglecting roundness, although like everyone we have unexplained problems/failures from time to time.
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