6200 ZZ KOYO Deep Groove Bearing - 10 x 30 x 9mm - bearing 6200zz
Now, NMB is the world’s largest manufacturer of miniature precision ball bearings. It is also leading manufacturer of precision electro-mechanical components, including cooling fans and blowers, precision small motors, etc. Its high-precision miniature ball bearings are widely used in video recorders, air conditioners, vacuum cleaners, and automotive motors. transmission and other fields of medical equipment, and computer peripheral hardware, especially in high-speed and high-precision products.
It has 2 ISO9001:2015 certified ball bearing factories with a production capability over 35 million sets of miniature bearings annually, and the bearings are exported to more than 30 countries worldwide.
NMB, namely Nippon Miniature Bearing Co., Ltd., was established in Japan in 1951. It is a specialized manufacturer of miniature precision ball bearings and small sized ball bearings with an outer diameter of or less than 30 mm. Nippon Miniature Bearing Co., Ltd changed its name into Minebea Co., Ltd in October 1981. And in 2017, Minebea Co., Ltd merged with Mitsumi Electric Co., Ltd, and changed its name to Minebea Mitsumi Co., Ltd.
Fitrun’s many models of miniature ball bearings have a potential interchange with NMB bearings. You will find the interchange information in the following NMB Bearing Cross Reference Charts for some of the models.
Fitrun Bearing was founded in 2003 who is engaged in manufacturing miniature ball bearings with bore diameter of or less than 10 mm. With over 20 years development, it expands the product range and also manufactures ball bearings with bore diameter larger than 10 mm now.
All the models listed in the charts are stainless steel ball bearings, they are also available in chrome steel which is relatively cost effective for lower requirement applications. If you could not find what you are looking for, please contact with us and we will find it for you. We provide free samples to you to test the compatibility before volume.
康方生物(9926.HK)是一家集研究、开发、生产及商业化全球首创或同类最佳创新生物新药于一体的领先企业。自2012年成立以来,公司打造了独有的端对端康方全方位新药研究开发平台(ACE Platform),建立了以Tetrabody双特异性抗体开发技术、抗体偶联(ADC)技术、mRNA技术及细胞治疗技术为核心的研发创新体系,国际化标准的GMP生产体系和运作模式先进的商业化体系,成为了在全球范围内具有竞争力的生物医药创新公司。公司已开发了50个以上用于治疗肿瘤、自身免疫、炎症、代谢疾病等重大疾病的创新候选药物,22个候选药已进入临床(包括11个双抗/多抗/双抗ADC),4个新药已在商业化销售,5个新药 6 个适应症的上市申请处于审评审批阶段。2021年8月,公司自主研发的差异化PD-1单抗安尼可®获批上市;2022年6月,公司全球首创的PD-1/CTLA-4双抗开坦尼®获批上市,成为全球首个获批的肿瘤免疫治疗双抗新药,也是中国第一个双特异性抗体新药。2024年上半年,开坦尼®一线治疗晚期宫颈癌的新药上市许可申请(sNDA)已受理,开坦尼®联合方案一线治疗晚期胃癌适应症于同年10月获批上市。2024年5月,公司另一全球首创双抗新药依达方®获得中国国家药品监督管理局批准上市,用于EGFR-TKI治疗进展的局部晚期或转移性nsq-NSCLC,依达方®成为全球首个获批的“肿瘤免疫+抗血管生成”机制双抗新药。同期,依沃西对比帕博利珠单抗一线治疗PD-L1阳性NSCLC获显著阳性结果,同适应症的sNDA获CDE受理,并获优先审评。依沃西成为全球迄今唯一在头对头III期临床研究中证明疗效显著优于“药王”帕博利珠单抗的药物,将有望成为一线肺癌治疗新的标准治疗方案,为患者提供全新更优的“去化疗”选择。此前,2022年12月,公司对外许可了依达方®部分海外权益,并以50亿美金+销售提成的合作方案创下了彼时中国单药对外许可的最高交易金额纪录。康方生物期望通过高效及突破性的研发创新,开发国际首创及同类药物最佳疗法的新药,成为全球领先的生物制药企业。