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Fractions are commonly used in everyday life. If you are splitting a bill or trying to score a test, you will often describe the problem using fractions. Sometimes, you may want to express the fraction as a percentage.
13/16 as adecimal
When converting fractions to percentages, it's essential to remember that percentages always have a denominator of 100. To convert a fraction like 13 / 16 into a percentage, you can follow these steps:
13/16 = 81.25% as a percentage & 0.81 as a decimal. We teach our students all three as they are each part of understanding fraction conversions. To solve more coversions, we encourage you to check out our introduction to percentage page for a little recap of what percentage is. You can also learn about fractions in our fractions section of the website. Sometimes, you may want to express a fraction in the form of a percentage, or vice-versa. This page will cover the former case. Luckily for us, this problem only requires a bit of multiplication and division. We recommend that you use a calculator, but solving these problems by hand or in your head is possible too! Here's how we discovered that 13 / 16 = 81.25% :
12 out of16
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Display module including Azumo’s front light panel optically bonded to the front of the Sharp reflective display (LS027B7DH01A), below the cover glass, to provide high quality and low power viewability in all environments.
Fractions and percentages are used in many real-world situations. For example, when calculating discounts on products, understanding both the fraction and percentage can help you quickly determine how much you will save. If a store offers a discount of 1/4 (1 / 4) off the original price, you can convert this fraction to a percentage (25%) to better understand the savings.
Keep in mind that you can also reverse these steps and still arrive at the correct solution. If you multiply the numerator (13) by 100 first and then divide the result by the denominator (16), you will still get the correct percentage (81.25%).
Another example could be in measuring ingredients for a recipe. If you know that you need 1/2 (1 / 2) of a cup of an ingredient, converting this fraction to a percentage (50%) can help you visualize how much you need relative to a full cup.
In this example, we have converted the fraction 13 / 16 into a percentage: 81.25%. This means that the fraction 13 / 16 is equivalent to 81.25 parts out of 100. It can be useful to know both the fraction and percentage forms when solving problems or interpreting data.
Fractions and percentages are both ways to represent a part of a whole as 13/16. A fraction consists of a numerator 13 (the top part) and a denominator 16 (the bottom part), with the numerator representing the part and the denominator representing the whole. In contrast, a percentage 81.25 represents a part out of 100. Converting between fractions and percentages can help us better understand and compare different quantities or proportions.
Remember, a percentage is any number out of 100. If we can balance 13 / 16 with a new denominator of 100, we can find the percentage of that fraction!