How to greasewheel bearingswith a greasegun

One way to estimate the effective service life of a bearing is to use the basic rating life calculation taking into account the load and speeds present. The basic rating life is the number of revolutions or operating hours that a group of identical bearings can last before failure.  A failed bearing is evident  when material fatigue occurs on one or both of the rings or rolling elements .

Remove the lug nuts and the wheel. Be sure that the trailer is supported with jack stands and the opposite wheel is blocked.

How to packwheel bearings onatrailer

Bearing life is a key factor to consider when selecting the right bearing for an application. Depending upon the application, the bearing may be exposed to different  loads, temperatures, and speeds. This means that different bearings will provide different levels of life expectancy. It is important to consider the expected life of a bearing before making a selection to ensure it will meet the requirements of the application.

WheelBearingpacking tool

Selecting the correct bearing will be determined by its life calculation. It’s not just a matter of selecting the right bearing, but also understanding how long it will be in service. Calculating bearing life enables engineers to predict its useful life. Engineers can be confident that the bearings selected will remain in service providing the optimal  performance.

Remove the retaining nut and washer, then pull the hub off the spindle. Be careful—the trailer bearings will come out with the hub. Set the bearings on clean newspaper.


How to grease awheelbearing

Where X and Y are coefficients that depend on the bearing type and size, Fr is the radial load, and Fa is the axial load. The equivalent dynamic load rating is then compared to the basic dynamic load rating to determine the expected life of the bearing.

To remove the rear bearing and seal, tap along the rim of the bearing with a block of wood and a hammer. If the seal is rusted to the back of the hub, spray a little WD-40 on the back to help loosen it. If the seal is damaged, replace it. Clean all the grease from the bearings, races and seal with a brush in a small pan of kerosene. Inspect them for signs of wear and replace them if they look suspect. Once the bearings and parts are clean, spray them with brake cleaner and set them aside to dry. Wipe the spindle and the inside of the hub with a clean rag to remove all the grease, and clean them with brake cleaner as well.

Bearings are crucial components in machinery and equipment that require rotational motion. Bearings are incorporated into rotating parts to reduce friction. The expected life of a bearing under particular operating circumstances can be determined by doing  life calculations.

The speed factor is used to calculate the bearing’s equivalent dynamic load rating (P). The equivalent dynamic load rating is the load that a bearing can theoretically withstand for a million revolutions at the given operating speed. The equivalent dynamic load rating is calculated using the following equation:

How to greasewheel bearings without removing

The basic principle of bearing life calculations is to conclude that 90% of the bearings will meet or exceed the calculated life while 10 % may not.

You can download and print Figure A from the Additional Information section below. Follow along as we show you trailer bearings repacking—start to finish.

How to greasewheel bearings onatruck

The speed factor (n x dm) is the product of the bearing’s operating speed (n) and the mean diameter of the bearing (dm). The mean diameter is calculated as the average of the bearing’s inner and outer diameters. The speed factor is expressed in units of mm/min.

In general, a bearing’s useful service life is the amount of time during which it can continue to function properly without suffering excessive wear or damage. The number of hours of operation, rotations, or cycles that a bearing operates is used to express the bearing’s effective service life.

Regular maintenance and proper lubrication can help to extend the effective service life of a bearing and prevent premature failure.


How to grease awheelbearinghub

The basic dynamic load rating (C) of a bearing is the load that a bearing can theoretically last for  one million revolutions without experiencing fatigue failure. This rating is determined by the size and design of the bearing and is provided by the bearing manufacturer.

The scale of bearing life refers to the expected duration of time that a bearing can operate effectively before it needs to be replaced due to wear or failure. Bearing life is typically measured in terms of the number of revolutions or hours of operation before the bearing fails.

The operating  conditions,  loads , speeds, and  lubrication and bearing precision affect the effective service life of a bearing.

Repacking the wheel bearings on your utility or boat trailer is quick and easy, and you'll avoid the breakdown that'll leave you stranded along the road. How many trailers have you seen on the side of the road this year with one wheel propped up? Don't let it happen to you. If you haven't checked your wheel bearings lately, read this article. You can complete this simple task in about an hour and save yourself a big repair bill.

Packing bearingswith greaseby hand

First, loosen the lug nuts on one wheel and raise the side of the trailer with a jack. Support the trailer with jack stands and then spin the wheel and listen to the trailer bearings. If the wheel spins freely and quietly, proceed with repacking the bearings. If you hear friction or a growling sound, you most likely have a bad bearing or spindle. If this is the case, take the trailer to a service center to get the trailer bearings replaced. Plus check out this super cool High-Visibility Trailer DIY.

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Push the grease into the bearings, working from the wide side of the bearing. Keep pushing the grease into the roller until the cage and rollers are filled. Next coat the inside of the hub with grease. Tap the seal back onto the rear of the hub with a block of wood and hammer, and install the hub and bearings back on the spindle.

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Many trailer manufacturers recommend this maintenance every year if your trailer gets normal use, or at least every 20,000 miles. To do this job, you’ll need a jack, a pair of jack stands, a large flat-head screwdriver, a hammer and a needle-nose pliers, clean rags, a small pan, about a quart of kerosene and a spray can of brake cleaner.

To use this formula, the dynamic load capacity and applied load on the bearing must be known. Once these values are determined, they can be used in the bearing life formula to calculate the expected life of the bearing. It is important to note that this formula provides an estimate of the bearing life, and other factors such as lubrication, contamination, and operating temperature can affect the actual life of the bearing.

The industry standard for measuring bearing life is the L10 life, which is defined as the number of revolutions or hours of operation that 90% of a large population of bearings will complete before failure, assuming they are all operating under the same conditions. This means that 10% of the bearings in the population may fail earlier than the L10 life, while 90% will last as long or longer.


The speed factor is an important consideration when calculating the expected life of a bearing. The speed factor is a function of the bearing’s operating speed.

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Generally speaking, the service life of a bearing can be defined as the number of revolutions or hours of operation that a bearing can perform before it requires replacement or maintenance.

Thread the nut back onto the spindle and turn it clockwise. Spin the hub a few times as you tighten to make sure the bearings are seating properly. Tighten the nut firmly. Now back the nut off about an eighth of a turn until the hole in the spindle aligns with a space in the nut. Push in a new cotter pin (available at hardware and auto parts stores) and bend the ends of the pin to keep it from working its way out. Tap the dust cap back into place. Coat the lug threads with anti-seize compound, reinstall the wheel and tighten the lug nuts. Do the same for each wheel.