A.T.S. Special Oil Seals S.r.l. Via Ettore Majorana 18 20834 – Nova Milanese (MB), Italy phone +39 0362 40806 fax +39 0362 43933 ats@fpparis.com VAT 02259690168 F.C. 05086610150 Capitale Sociale: € 10.400,00 i.v. REA: BG – 276005 Pec: ats@registerpec.it

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ATS produces: high pressure oil seals, special oil seals, textile rubber oil seals, grease sealing, V-Rings, BBS Big Bearing Seals, oil film bearings, large diameter oil seals, large size oil seals.

WD Bearing Group is a technology-oriented bearing company specializing in research & development, manufacturing, sales, and service of high-quality bearings

Bearing cataloguepdf

F.lli Paris S.r.l. a socio unico Via Marconi 142/144 24060 – Castelli Calepio (BG), Italy phone +39 035 442 5511 fax +39 035 442 5478 info@fpparis.com VAT and F.C. 02739730162 Capitale Sociale: € 10.400,00 i.v. REA: BG – 320015 Pec: fpparis@pec.fpparis.it SDI code: A4707H7

The synergy and the know-how of the Companies in the SEALCORE Network provide the guarantee of a Quality Made in Italy, a complete service to meet the needs of the global market and a wide range of Technical Products: standard and endless O-Rings; rotary shaft oil seals; custom articles to dwg. in elastomer and rubber-to-metal; liquid silicone; 3D Printing; PTFE and high performance technopolymers; self-lubricating bushings and washers; fluid power sealing solutions.

A.T.S. Special Oil Seals S.r.l.is the production division of “F.lli Paris S.r.l. a socio unico”for special and large diameter Seals for the Heavy Duty Industry.