63/22 XA4J1 - Deep groove ball bearing - 63/22
The IRS 6209 Manual is a catalog of codes used in the IRS' computer system. These codes appear within the following types of files which the IRS maintains on you and which you can obtain using a Freedom of Information Act Request:
Understanding these codes is crucial to understanding what the IRS thinks they know about you. All of these codes have already been inputted into our Master File (MF) Decoder (OFFSITE LINK) program and the process of decoding the IMF and AMDISA file types above has been completely automated for you by this program. However, if you want to verify the accuracy of our program or you want to decode file types other than the two that it decodes, you will need to have a copy of the IRS 6209 Manual for yourself. The version of the book we provide is nicely indexed to make navigation easy. It is also provided in electronic form and is fully searchable through Adobe Acrobat. The original IRS book is not so well indexed. This is probably one of the most important books you can own!