635 2RS EZO - Miniature ball bearing - 635 2rs
Lincoln greaseparts
Lincoln Industrial / SKF is the largest and most successful company in their field because they continually satisfy customers with the worlds best lubrication and pumping systems.
Suppose we have a flight plan with a leg from waypoint A to B. The route from A to B is the course. Or rather our desired, our intended, course.
If there is wind we’ll have to compensate for that by turning our nose into the wind. We now monitor our NDB, VOR or GPS instruments to check if the result is that we fly the desired course.
The term RADIAL is used in VOR navigation. A radial is a line running AWAY from the VOR on a certain angle. In this picture we are on the 250 radial. Note that this says nothing about our heading.
Our heading is the direction the nose of the aircraft points to. If there is no wind our heading can be identical to the desired course and we’ll fly straight to B.
Lincoln greasegun
We decide to skip to reach B. In stead we want to fly to a nearby NDB that will bring us on the next leg of our flight plan. The angle to that NDB is called a BEARING.
[…] the previous post & video we saw how side wind blows us away from our desired course. We’ll need to compensate for the […]
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We underestimated the wind and we are still pushed off course. The line we are flying (projected on the ground) is our actual TRACK.
What is the difference between a heading and a bearing? Or a course and a track? And what is meant by a radial? The terms often get intermingled, but they each have their specific meaning.