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Physical propertiesof ceramic materials

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Ceramic materialsexamples

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Importanceof ceramic materials

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Propertiesofceramics pdf


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Usesof ceramic materials

The properties of a material are important because they dictate its ultimate usage. Because glasses, for example, are transparent, they are used primarily for windows and bottles where it is essential to see through the material. Ceramics, which are well known for their hardness and rigidity, often are used as abrasives. Other applications take advantage of a ceramic material’s electrical and thermal insulation characteristics [9].

Phillips, G.C. (1991). Properties and Requirements of Ceramic Materials. In: A Concise Introduction to Ceramics. Springer, Dordrecht. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-011-6973-8_14

Fivecharacteristics of ceramic materials

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