Throw out bearingnoise in neutral

Now I created RD Web Access (RDWA) in windows server 2008 R2 everything is work well. I need your help, I have a problem

****I will explain for you. User A: Login in PC A at 9:22 AM and now he's using. Another people use user A login in PC B in 9:25 AM. I want the people login in time 9:25 Am can't login because user A already login ( 9:22 AM) and now he using** People login after exist user login before will not login for useing. That's my hope please help me. Thank you so much**

Throw out bearingreplacement cost

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Important: I already found notification in source of rd web C:\Windows\Web\RDWeb\Pages\en-US\login.aspx. please focus bWorkspaceDisconnected = false but it’s not work if I login one user in the same time ??? how make it work for my section

Server Manager -> Roles -> Remote Desktop Services -> RD Session host configuration -> Edit Settings -> Restrict each user to a single session = NO