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As you start the procedure, you may notice the baseline was 35 decibels for this motor bearing, but your reading today is 48 decibels (13 dBs above baseline). Using a grease gun with a handle, you choose to use the preferred half stroke method versus the full stroke method of the grease gun for this application. After a half stroke, you pause three to four seconds; no reduction or increase in dBs is evident. After a second half stroke, you pause another three to four seconds and again, no dB drop or increase is seen. Then, after the third half stroke, you notice the dB drop is two dBs. Another half stroke, pause and another two dB drop is seen. You are now getting a smidgen of grease on the bearing. Another half stroke, pause, a three to four dB drop is seen. Another half stroke, pause, the dB rises. This is the inflection point. Pause 10 seconds. If the dB level doesn’t return to the reading prior to inflection, you then log the reading and stop lubricating.
This term generally applies to studding whose threads are thinner and closer together than standard or coarse varieties. This can be an advantage in install locations subject to vibration, making it less likely that the rod will start to work its way out. Fine threads also offer greater tensile and shear strengths than coarse threading.
Double End Threaded StudScrewBolt
You will find a wide variety of sizes, gauges and load capacities available to suit all kinds of jobs. Some varieties may have a drive slot in one end, making them easier to install, although most studding does not feature a head in the same way that most bolts and screws do.
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When working with thread bar and studding, it is always useful to know how to cut threaded rod to the required length neatly and safely. The best way to do this is with a dedicated threaded rod cutter.
Can you see where the goal of your CBM program to spot future motor/bearing failures can be achieved by adding acoustic lubrication? One engineer documented savings of 37 percent less motor maintenance after implementing acoustic lubrication into the CBM program. Isn’t it time for your organization to realize savings, as well?
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Mild steel threaded rod is one of the most common types. Various sorts of steel and derivative materials are typically used in the manufacture of screw rods. Stainless steel (SS threaded rod) is another common type, as is galvanised threaded bar. The latter is zinc plated for added protection against corrosion, making it ideal for use when exposed to harsh conditions or humid environments over prolonged periods.
Acoustic lubrication is a viable means for CBM. Why? Simply put, ultrasound is the first means of detecting a fault before vibration or infrared. Also, the learning curve to use and implement an ultrasound program is short.
When looking at this list of instruments and processes, the technology of ultrasound comes to the forefront. Ultrasound is defined by most technicians as leak detection of compressed air or gases. Or, depending on their background, ultrasound may mean ultrasonic NDT of welds or pipes for corrosion, or for thickness readings.
Acoustic lubrication is the use of a high frequency receiver or translator to detect sound that may relate to the condition of a motor bearing prior to lubricating the motor bearing.
These have a length of threading at either end of the stud but are not threaded right the way up the centre. The threaded segments are of equal length at both ends.
These have the threading running along the full length of the rod, allowing nuts and other fixings to mate fully at any point along the bar.
Threaded rods and stud bolts are widely used wherever a fastener of greater length and rigidity is needed to secure two items together. They are often found securing wood or metal items together or being used to give additional strength to structures supported by concrete and other materials. The threading makes it easy to attach nuts and other fixings to the rod as required.
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Threaded Stud Bolt
Note: Prior to starting an acoustic lubrication program, you should follow your local plant’s recommendations and the original equipment manufacturer’s suggestions for removing the purge port, plugs, or bottom grease relief valves, when applicable. You should also know the type of bearing to be lubricated.
You can also buy brass and nylon threaded bar, although this tends to be used at smaller gauges where lower forces are in play. These materials are not suitable for any sort of critical structural application.
The below chart shows the typical minimum load capabilities for steel threaded rods of different sizes. Please note that the minimum proof load has been calculated based on threaded rod with a property class of 4.6.
These can either be manual or powered. Manual (handle-operated) versions tend to use bladed jaws, which can often be swapped out to make neat cuts through various thicknesses of stud. Powered versions more commonly rely on some form of spinning disk to make neat cuts. Threaded bar can also be trimmed to length on a mitre saw or chop saw, provided that a suitable metal cutting disk is installed.
An effort must be made by industry to educate technicians and engineers in the differences of these two technologies. If your knowledge of ultrasound is limited to finding air leaks and NDT, then you truly lack a strong foundational understanding of the uses of ultrasound for maintenance inspections.
Ultrasound training from an experienced trainer/technician is most valuable when it is utilized in multiple applications or simply to complement other technologies, such as vibration and infrared.
Granted, there are many different ways and different configurations used to apply acoustic lubrication. One way includes the use of an ultrasound instrument “fixed” upon a grease gun for a one person, two-handed operation. Second, is simply taking an ultrasound instrument in one hand and a grease gun in another, which may or may not require a second person.
A threaded rod hanger is often used in installations where the rod itself needs to be suspended below a solid wood or masonry surface, rather than passing through it. Concrete ceilings and hollow floors are common examples of places in which a system of threaded rod hanger brackets might be used.
Allthread rod
However, a large segment of ultrasound users have not implemented the acoustic lubrication practice correctly. When inflection points3 are not adhered to, lubrication continues with possible adverse effects from over lubrication, such as premature bearings failure due to high temperatures, blown grease seals due to excessive internal pressure and possibly grease getting into the armature of the motor. Figure 3 shows a motor that ran inefficiently for several months due to grease working its way into the stator body and rotor assembly. Eventually, grease was distributed into the windings.
Note that threading on screw bar can be cut in either a right-handed pattern (the standard clockwise to tighten arrangement) or left-handed variants.
2023419 — In 2020, for instance, Russia imported over $419 million worth of ball bearings, around 55 percent of which originated in Europe and North ...
Ultrasound is high frequency sound above 20,000 hertz or 20 kHz, a short wave that typically measures 1/8 inch to 5/8 inches long and is directional.
A good understanding of ultrasound and the many applications this technology offers is recommended prior to implementing an acoustic lubrication program, such as the equivalent to an ultrasound Level I training course.
One of the reasons why steel and stainless steel threaded rod is often used is that it is generally cheap, easy to work with, and neat and tidy to install. However, steel will corrode when used outdoors. Grade 316 stainless steel is resistant to corrosion, making it the best material for outdoor use and marine environments. It is also a suitable choice for fastening and pinning materials in a wide range of damp, humid or environmentally challenging settings.
The M (metric) sizing of threaded rod refers to a standardised diameter and is normally featured prominently on most UK stud bar fasteners and fixings.
Note that you will also need to be acutely conscious of the load-bearing properties and requirements that anchors used in your project will have to meet or exceed.
Thread pitch refers to the distance, measured side-to-side, between any two thread crests (the widest part of the threading that extends outwards from the core of the rod).
Some common sizes of threaded rod (thread size, length and thickness) are listed below. You may need to cut your thread bar to length for specific projects after buying it - standard lengths for buying threaded rod online include 3’, 6’, 10’ and 12’ sections.
Whereas most bolts are only threaded at one end, true threaded rod more commonly features threading along its full length or at both ends. Unlike bolts, the required sections of threaded rod are typically cut to size from a longer piece, meaning that in most applications the threaded rod will not feature any type of head for hammering or driving the section more easily.
You can actually find CBM and acoustic lubrication mentioned in the same sentence by ultrasound manufacturers on the Internet.
As a popular subtype of fasteners and fixings, threaded rod uses are many and varied. They are commonly used in professional construction work, repair and maintenance, production and processing, and various other demanding industrial applications.
CBM is a strategy that monitors for certain key performance indicators (KPIs) that may indicate signs of a lack of performance. These KPIs drive reliability while guiding your choices for improving maintenance. Unlike time directed (TD) tasks maintenance, which are maintenance tasks performed at predefined intervals, CBM maintenance is performed when the KPIs are indicating lack of performance or signs of a future failure.
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Lower thread pitch means higher thread count because the threads are physically closer together. Thread count refers to the number of crests on a given section of rod and is measured in TPI (threads per inch).
Although many are utilizing ultrasound in their condition-based monitoring (CBM) program, many are still lukewarm about implementing the acoustic lubrication application as part of a CBM program. But here’s why that application should be utilized.
For one thing, threaded rod is usually chosen in applications where the required length far exceeds that of most conventional screws or bolts. It is not at all unusual for 2’ or 3’ lengths of threaded rod to be used in heavy-duty or structural applications. Much thicker gauges tend to be widely available when shopping for screw rods than for even the largest commercial anchor bolts.
This approach enables day-to-day decision support and is a prognostic of future conditions. Therefore, data collected through CBM is a key component in Aci. This allows for the detection of early onset failure and is normally aligned to known failure modes. This would include vibration analysis, oil analysis, ultrasonic testing, nondestructive testing and any other methodology of analyzing the condition of an asset with regards to its deviation from its normal operating condition. The use of CBM to ascertain the onset of failures is only as valuable as the information collected.1
Once you have the instrument and grease gun ready, place the zurk or hook onto the lubrication point. Many technicians prefer a button and hook with a short connection to the ultrasound transducer because the tightness of the connection provides a more consistent and repeatable decibel.
Using threaded rod is simple for anyone who has previously worked with various types of large screws and bolts, particularly carriage bolts. Stud bar works a lot like many types of standard bolts, with a few small differences.
These hangers work like drop-in anchor points and are driven into the surface below which the rod needs to hang. At the other end from their thread-cutting tips, they usually feature either a screw-in or clip mount which serves as an attachment point or flange for the threaded rod itself.
1" threadedrod
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Technicians should be trained to focus on the decibel because the rise in decibels means something is going wrong. Often times, technicians are told to focus on the sound of the bearing. However, what the practitioner hears through his/her own hearing may differ greatly from one person to another. The other problem with listening is that today’s digital ultrasound instruments are not as revealing as yesterday’s analog instruments. The highs and the lows are missing. For example, an analog instrument with frequency tuning allows the user to focus on certain sounds or conditions to detect brinelling4, balls out-of-round or ball defects, inner and outer race defects and under or over lubricated bearings. It is, however, a digital age, so data logging and waveform analysis are part of it, especially waveform analysis. A down converted ultrasonic (above 20,000 hertz) recording, which takes the high frequency signal and converts it to low frequency so it can be used for ultrasound signal analysis or converted to a decibel, can reveal numerous conditions or faults.
There are several standard types of threaded rod, each chosen for its own set of characteristics, features and functions. Some of the more widely used stud bar varieties include:
Nondestructive Testing (NDT) – ultrasound used to detect cracks in welds, corrosion of pipes, or the thickness of metals;
AllthreadBolt and nut
Within the ACM domain, there is an element known as asset condition information (Aci). It comprises all the data, observations and conditions of an asset. This information is more than just current state; it is the cumulative condition of an asset over its lifecycle.
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The threaded rod coupler (sometimes called a threaded rod end fitting) is positioned such that one end of a piece of stud bar is inserted about halfway into the fixing. The end of the second piece of screw rod is then inserted into the opening at the other end of the connector and the two pieces are then securely joined and extended.
This expert guide on screw rod and threaded bar studding is designed to explain exactly what threaded rod is. We will also cover how it is used, what types and sizes are available, what materials it is usually made from, and how to cut and work with threaded rod.
Today, there are instruments that adapt to your grease gun and allow the end user to simply use the ultrasound instrument and magnetic or contact transducer to monitor a motor bearing during the lubrication procedure. This is very effective in preventing over greasing of the motor bearings.
Jim Hall, CRL, is the Executive Director of The Ultrasound Institute (TUI). Jim has been in the ultrasonic market for over 25 years and has trained many Fortune 500 companies in the use of airborne ultrasound, including the electrical power and generation, pulp and paper, automotive and aviation industries. Jim has been a contributing writer for Uptime® Magazine’s (ultrasound segment) since the magazine’s inception.www.theultrasoundinstitute.com
The response to the first question is probably, no, but yes to the others. Some skeptics do remain regarding acoustic lubrication, but they outweigh the frequent feedback from users on how the program is working well for them.
A threaded rod connector is a type of fixing that looks a lot like an elongated nut. They are threaded on the inside walls and can be affixed onto a length of screw rod in the same way as a standard nut.
Most threaded rod hangers are self-tapping, although a range of clip-in versions is also available for light-duty installations.
A guide to help you understand what coach bolts are, what they are used for, the different types available, and the various materials and sizes on offer.
However, what if during the acoustic lubrication, inflection occurred (an increase of one to two dBs) after one half stroke of the grease gun? You should pause 10 seconds and if the dB reading does not return to where it was prior to inflection, you should stop the lubrication procedure. Do not continue greasing. Possibly, someone before you had lubricated the bearing. But, you say, “This bearing is still 13 to 14 dBs above baseline? What do I do?” Well, you make a call to a vibration technician to analyze the motor.
Aside from these differences, the actual method for installing a threaded bar is very similar to that for installing a bolt or screw. The precise step-by-step method for installing threaded rod as an anchor or pin will depend on the material you are driving it into. For certain materials like concrete and masonry, you will usually need to use a hammer drill and some form of adhesive anchor, as well as the rod itself.
This type is hollow along the full length of the stud, with openings at either end. This allows cables and other components to pass through the body of the rod, for example when being used to mount a light fixture.
NOTE: Within the acoustic lubrication practice, technicians are instructed to implement greasing if the dB level is 10 or more decibels above baseline.
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Ultrasound is used to detect leaks of compressed air or gases (positive or negative pressure); monitor motor bearings, acoustic lubrication and gear boxes; diagnose steam traps; and inspect electrical apparatus, such as transformers, electrical switchgear, substations, and distribution for the presence of arcing, tracking, or corona discharge (e.g., low, medium, or high voltages). Ultrasound detects high frequency signals above the human hearing range. That means in a noisy plant environment, ultrasound can detect electrical anomalies, compressed air or vacuum leaks, monitor the motor bearings, hear a gearbox failing, or detect that double spherical bearing being eaten up due to a badly misaligned short shaft connected to an agitator on the other side of the room.
Acoustic lubrication is a program that can be implemented as part of a scheduled or unscheduled lubrication program. When implemented as part of a CBM program to assist with the identification of early signs of failures, the benefits can mean huge savings by reducing loss of production, loss of equipment (asset) and loss of man-hours from unscheduled maintenance.
Wheel Bearing, 3/4″ Axle / Steering Head Bearing. $18.00. Wheel Bearing, 3/4" Axle / Steering Head Bearing quantity - +. Add to cart. Add to Wishlist.
Threaded rod, also known as threaded bar, threaded studding or screw rod, is a common fastener type. It is used much the same way as a very long, thick bolt or screw. Screwed rod threading might run the full length of the stud (all-thread), or partway along from both ends.
Threaded rods come in several different materials, with the best choice depending on various factors. These typically include what you need the stud to do, the environment where it will be installed, and which types of materials the anchor pin is going to be securing.