The ultimate goal of an ILS Engineer is to reduce cost through the full lifecycle of a product, often from a sub-system or component level. They will consider every aspect of a project or product, investigating, challenging and ensuring every step from concept to disposal is carefully planned with all interactions taken into account. They measure & document the ability to Support, Reliability, Supply, Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul burden, Training & Operating costs, Disposal, and can also include ESG (Environmental, Socials & Governance) & Levelling Up measures; both of the utmost importance with new public spending regulations cascading through the Defence Industry.

U.S. militarylogistics


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Not only is Integrated Logistics Support a must for most Military Contracts & a required deliverable across the industry & globe, they should pay for themselves many times over in the practical cost savings they can make, often acting as a Project Manager or key stone between departments, organisations, operations, ultimately saving time, energy, reputation as well as tangible bottom line.


Although it's often performed during the procurement phase, it can continue throughout the life of a product as standards, modifications, changes in end user or customer (for example selling a Naval Frigate to an overseas Government), or through any number of emergent reasons, like rising energy considerations or cost of fuel. Our engineers are also engaged translating or rewriting Bid & Tender Documentation where generic bid documentation for hardware may be produced requiring translation & rewriting for the specific purposes of that Tender submission, perhaps with a UK or Overseas Military requirements perspective.

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