Radial is the most common type. Radial bearings feature the traditional design consisting of a cage, inner race, outer race and a set of balls. Thrust bearings are less common, and they often feature a different design depending on the particular type of thrust bearing.


Using specialized OBD diagnostics equipment, Mazda-qualified technicians will be able to access the CPU and read the recorded fault code, which will direct the technician to where the problem lies.

As the engine rotates, the timing belt connected to a crankshaft pulley rotates and, in turn, drives the camshaft pulley. This enables the valves to open and close in the correct sequence, drawing in the air/fuel mixture and exhausting the waste gases to allow the engine to run.

Heavy dutybearing for radial load

Thrust bearings are designed specifically to support an axial load. They are also known as axial loads for this reason. An axial load is a force that occurs along the axis of a rotating shaft. Like their radial counterparts, they are designed to reduce friction. Thrust bearings, though, are better suited for applications involving an axial load.

Owners should always be ready to detect if something is not quite right with their car's timing belt. Typically, there are some common symptoms that owners should be able to recognise to avoid a possible engine failure leading to unwanted expensive repairs.

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Once a vehicle's timing belt has failed, the engine will become difficult to start as the timing sequence may be out of sync or the belt in failing may have come loose jamming up the engine-making turning it over impossible.

Radial loadformula

Ballbearing for radial load

For the less mechanically inclined, the timing belt in your vehicle's engine is responsible for keeping your internal combustion engine running by synchronizing the rotation of the crankshaft and the camshaft/camshafts via a toothed rubber belt.

Replacement of your Mazda's timing belt is best left to qualified technicians as the procedure does require a fair degree of mechanical ability.

Radial loadexample

Closely related to the above engine misfire, an engine that's timing belt has deteriorated to a point that the belt has moved from its correct position will result in rough idling of the engine.

Bearings are typically classified as either radial or thrust depending on the type of load they are designed to support. Radial bearings are designed to support a radial load, whereas thrust bearings are designed to support a thrust load.

Radial bearings are designed specifically to support a radial load. A radial load is a force that occurs perpendicular to a rotating shaft. Motors, for instance, typically feature a rotating shaft. On one or both ends of the rotating shaft, you may discover a radial bearing. Radial bearings are ball-based bearings that support a radial load.

The origins of radial bearings can be traced back to the 19th century. In 1869, Jules Suriray filed a patent for the world’s first radial bearing. Suriray’s design was initially used in bicycles, but it paved the way for other applications.

Adherence to your Mazda's scheduled service intervals will help ensure that your vehicle is correctly maintained and the timing belt will be replaced according to the recommended mileage intervals.

Realistically a visual inspection is not that accurate unless there are obvious physical defects seen such as cracking or fraying.

All bearings support a load. When choosing bearings, you should consider the type of load to which they’ll be exposed. For a radial load, you should choose radial bearings. For an axial load, you should choose thrust bearings.

Longevity and ease of maintenance are two extremely important considerations that modern vehicle engineers address in their designs.

Our article shares with you in some detail what this means for owners, what problems to look out for, what maintenance is required, and what to do when repairs become necessary.

When it's time for the next scheduled timing belt service on your Mazda, make sure to contact the service department at the Central Mazda dealership in Plainfield, CT.

When a timing belt begins to deteriorate, noise may be heard from inside the engine as the belt no longer runs smoothly. It's very possible that the reinforcement threads in the belts' construction are frayed and exposed, catching on engine parts as it rotates.

Sensors located around the engine check the correct functioning of various parts and alert the driver by sending a message to the CPU, which then lights up the check engine light (CEL).

Bearing for radial loadchart

Bearings are found in a variety of machinery and equipment parts. Consisting of a cage, inner race, outer race and a set of balls, they are designed to reduce friction. Bearings literally “bear” the force of a part as the part moves. While most bearings feature a similar design, though, some of them are radial, whereas others are thrust.

Most thrust bearings feature balls enclosed in a ring. With that said, some of them feature a tapered design. Tapered thrust bearings have tapered rollers that point towards the bearing’s axis. In addition to tapered, other types of thrust bearings include spherical, fluid and magnetic.

Bestbearing for radial load

Timing chains are known to last the lifetime of a vehicle, while timing belts typically need replacing every 60,000 to 120,000 miles.

The loss of any teeth on the rubber timing belt will possibly result in the belt jumping or slipping on the crankshaft pulley or camshaft pulley, which will in turn cause the camshafts to be unsynchronised and lead to an engine misfire.

Timing belt failure may occur as a result of misalignment of the belt, over-tensioning or under-tensioning, poor construction or inferior materials quality if non-OEM, damaged or worn pulleys and any debris.

Radial loadvs axialload

The camshaft angle sensor and the crankshaft angle sensor both monitor the rotation of these timing pulleys, and if there is any detected problem, the CEL will light up.

All modern vehicles employ some form of timing belt or timing chain in their internal combustion engines to allow them to run.

The timing chain offers a longer lifespan without the need for more regular replacement simply because the materials used are stronger than rubber. Unlike a rubber Mazda timing belt, a timing chain runs in the oil of your car's engine, which lubricates the chain, leading to a longer working life.

There is an age-old disagreement as to which system is better. Both perform the exact same task. The aforementioned timing belt uses a rubber ribbed belt to synchronize the crankshaft and camshaft, while the timing chain is exactly that-a chain. The metal timing chain connects the toothed sprockets on the crankshaft and camshafts.

The timing belts of most modern engines are concealed under covers, making visual inspections not a quick task. Covers protect the belt against ingress of dirt, small stones and oils picked up while driving, plus to contain any potential damage to the engine bay if the belt does disintegrate.

A loss of power is immediately noticeable and the timing belt may very well be the cause as the engine simply cannot run with a failed Mazda timing belt.

As Mazda professionals, Central Mazda cares about what's best for your Mazda vehicle. Using only Genuine Mazda Parts and Value Products by Mazda, your Mazda will perform for many more problem-free miles.

Installation of the new timing belt will follow the removal process in reverse, with attention being paid to the correct alignment of the timing marks, correct tensioning of the timing belt and replacement of all ancillary belts along with the correct tensioning of these belts.