A Guide to Roller Bearings - types of bearings and their uses
If the hose is hung downward from the bearing and in a high-temperature environment, the grease inside the hose may separate, causing only base oil to be waiting at the top of the hose for the next injection into the bearing. In just a few weeks, the bearing may begin to show signs of wear from insufficient lubrication.
Now it’s time to remove the water pump. Before you do this, make sure you have a bucket in place beneath the car to catch the coolant/antifreeze when you unscrew the water pump. Here’s what to do:
The cost of replacing a timing belt and water pump varies depending on your car. If you take it to a garage, you should expect to pay between £299 and £600 for the work. If you carry out the work yourself, you can pick up a timing belt and water pump kit for around £40 to £150.
Before you loosen the pulley and remove the timing belt, it’s a really good idea to mark the cogs with a little white paint, Tip-Ex or chalk. This will make reassembly much easier, as the cogs will need to realign perfectly to ensure good engine performance. Here are the areas you should mark:
First, prepare your car and work area. Changing a timing belt and water pump can take anywhere from 1-3 hours depending on your skill level, so make sure you have the time and space to complete the job. Do the following before you start:
Now it’s time to reassemble the engine with the new water pump and timing belt. We’d always recommend replacing both components at the same time. The water pump and timing belt should be changed at an interval of 60,000 miles to prevent faults; this will also save you time and money, as the labour involved in dissembling the engine to replace these parts is time-consuming, and can be expensive if carried out by a garage. By replacing the two parts together, you’ll be saving time and money in the long-term. Here are a few points when reassembling:
How toreplacetimingchain
The solution to this problem is to find a way to supply fresh grease at a distance from the bearing while preventing the grease from becoming stagnant in the degrading environment of the extension hose.
That concludes our guide on how to replace cambelts and water pumps. By following this guide you should be able to confidently replace an important part of your engine yourself, building confidence and knowhow in the process.
Timing beltwarning signs
Replacing a timing belt and water pump does require a decent understanding of engines, so if you’re not that experienced working under the bonnet we’d advise you to leave it to the pros. But if you are and you enjoy doing your own repairs or restorations then it’s something you can do yourself, and save on some big repair bills in the process.
How tosettiming beltwithout marks
Remember – this is a guideline only and the layout/process of replacing the water pump and timing belt may differ in your car. Consult a professional mechanic if you’re in doubt and only carry out the work if you’re confident with working with engines.
The final step is to refill the cooling system with fresh, high-performance coolant/antifreeze. Here’s a recap on how to refill your car’s cooling system:
A likely scenario would be to use an extension hose that is several feet long to grease a particular bearing. The bearing is supplied a "fresh" shot of grease every few months, which equates to approximately a foot or two of grease in the hose.
Can I replacetiming beltmyself
This can be accomplished simply by having a wye in the bearing’s grease fitting with two hoses extending from the wye to a safe regreasing location. With one hose supplying new grease and the other uncapped, new grease can purge the hose completely until fresh grease emerges from the uncapped hose end.
How to install timing beltat home
Within a month or two, the bearing may fail and need to be replaced. Without knowing the root cause of the problem, the next bearing could fail under the same circumstances.
The timing belt is usually located in the engine bay just in front of the engine block. Frequently it’s protected by a plastic cover to prevent debris from getting into the timing belt.
Replacetiming beltToyota
While an extension hose may seem like an obvious solution, it can pose one serious problem: grease can separate within the hose. The two primary properties of grease — base oil and thickener — are at risk of separating when certain parameters are met.
Timing beltreplacement manual PDF
The timing belt and water pump will need to be changed in line with the manufacturer’s recommendation; this is normally every 60,000 miles. Most people change both components at the same time to save on costs and time. This is because the labour involved in dissembling the engine to get at these parts is complicated and time-consuming, so you’ll be saving yourself lots of time by replacing them at the same time yourself, or lots of money if a garage is doing the work for you.
Although our guide is comprehensive and correct, this repair should only be undertaken by someone with the tools and knowledge to do so. Significant damage can be done to the engine if the cambelt or water pump is fitted incorrectly.
The time needed to change the cambelt and water pump varies from car to car, but on average it takes between. 4 and 6 hours. Some cars, with less obstructed belts and pumps, will require less preparation to grant access, meaning they won’t take quite as long to replace.
At Holts, we’re passionate about helping you take care of your car. Our DIY car maintenance products and tools are designed to be easy to use either on the road or on your drive. For more information, visit the homepage today.
"We are having trouble supplying grease through grease extension lines because the grease appears to be separating and losing its properties before it reaches the bearings. What is the proper method for using grease extension lines to effectively provide good grease to the bearings?"
We’ll walk you through the process of replacing a timing belt and water pump step by step, starting with the tools you’ll need.
The application of a hose extension becomes a necessity to allow routine greasing without causing machine downtime, subjecting personnel to unsafe temperatures or moving equipment.
How to install timing belttoyota
The timing belt is exactly the same as the cambelt, there is no difference. The cambelt (or timing belt), synchronises the movement of the crankshaft and camshafts. This means that the engine intake and exhaust valves open and close at the correct time with the pistons.
The fan belt and power steering belt sit beside the cover which houses the timing belt and water pump, so you’ll need to remove them first. Follow the steps below to remove the belts:
In theory, it is possible to change the water pump and the timing belt separately although it isn’t recommended. These components are subjected to a similar level of wear during their lifetime, so it makes the most sense to change the pump and belt simultaneously.
In industry, it is very common to see extension hoses used to supply grease to fittings that are difficult to reach or in hazardous environments. Greased bearings are commonly located high and out of reach, below floor grading or in dangerously high-temperature environments such as near dryers on a paper machine.
Is your timing belt or water pump faulty or in need of a replacement? You could save money on expensive repair bills by carrying out the work yourself – provided you know your way around an engine bay.
At this point, the uncapped hose end can be capped, and any additional grease pumped into the hose will be directed to the bearing. While this may result in some unused grease, it will ensure the goal of supplying fresh grease to the bearing is achieved.
Time alone can cause grease to separate. This can be seen when a drum of grease has been sitting untouched for some time. When the drum is finally opened, a layer of shimmering oil — the base oil — is sitting on top of the grease. Other factors such as temperature can also increase base oil separation from the thickener.
Here, we provide a step-by-step guide on replacing a timing belt and water pump, and answer a few common queries on the cost of replacements and when the work needs doing.
The timing case covers the timing belt and water pump, so you’ll need to remove it. Now that the belts are removed and the crankshaft pulley is loosened, this should be a pretty straightforward job. Here’s how it’s done: