A Guide To Wheel Bearing Grease | GMB Blog - automotive bearing grease
In the decades since it’s conception, A.T.S. has continued to lead the way in creating innovative, efficient, and safe automatic lubricating systems equipment for all industrial applications. Today, A.T.S. is #1 in safety, pressures, reliability, temperature, and durability.
Beka lubrication
A.T.S. Electro-Lube is committed to satisfying customer needs by providing first-class automatic lubrication systems with leading edge technology. We a proud ISO 9001:2008 certified manufacturer, proving that we have top quality standards. Our products are MSHA, UL and IECE/ATEX approved.
TITAN OILER is an extremely powerful unit, pushing over 2000psi. With extremely high pressure, this unit can feed 12 points with long feed lines.
The original ELECTRO-LUBER™, invented in 1982, was the world’s first intrinsically safe, self-contained lubrication device. The unit uses inert nitrogen gas to power a system that is intrinsically safe for hazardous and explosive environments.
Our products are manufactured in-house. From the raw plastic pellet to the filling and shipping, we create and distribute our units, allowing us to maintain complete control over quality.
ULTIMATE-LUBER™ is a powerful lubricator, pushing over 1000psi and servicing up to 12 lube points. With high pressure, this unit can run a 10m feed line.
Designed to feed one bearing or lubrication point, our single-point lubricators can be fitted either directly onto the bearing or machinery, or mounted remotely.
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Autolube systems for heavy equipment
A family-run company based in Canada, we provide top-of-the-line, automatic lubrication systems and equipment, including single-point, multi-point, and refillable units that come in varying sizes and capabilities.
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AutoLube Specs
ELECTRO-LUBER™ is the most widely-used single point unit with extensive safety ratings. This unit can be used underwater, in mines, and other hazardous areas.
A.T.S. Electro-Lube created the original ELECTRO-LUBER™ and is globally recognized for continued dedication to quality and durability in all industries.
A.T.S. Electro-Lube is known for developing the world’s first self-contained lubrication device in 1982—the original ELECTRO-LUBER™. This advancement led the way for safer installations and greatly reduced maintenance and repairs. We have continuously reworked the product to work efficiently in all atmospheres and all industries.
Our customers rely on A.T.S. as the market leader for quality, reliability, lubrication pressures, and versatility. Whether it’s grease or oil; high-altitude or underwater; single-point or multi-point; food-safe or deep in a mine —
Automatic grease system for trucks
Get better coverage with less grease for wind turbine maintenance with the A.T.S. Sponge Pinion Grease Applicator. The Sponge Pinion is engineered to solve the challenging lubrication needs faced by the wind turbine operators.
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UL/CUL – The Original Electro-Luber is certified Intrinsically Safe for Class 1, Groups A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. Also certified by MSHA and Energy, Mines Canada for use in mining. ATEX certified units are also available. The ULTIMATE series, TITAN series and the JACK Luber have all been certified by UL/CUL to meet the following OSHA requirements: Class I Division 2, Groups A, B, C and D; Class II, Division 2, Groups F & G; and Class III hazardous locations. These units are not ATEX certified. ATEX – ELECTRO series units are available that conform to ATEX Directive 94/9/EC and ATEX Standard I.S. EN 60079-15:2005.
Autolube system
Our patented multi-point lubrication systems are motor-driven and produce unrivalled psi to feed up to 12 lubrication points from a single unit. Economical and powerful.
The A.T.S. Sponge Pinion Grease Applicator is engineered to solve the challenging lubrication needs faced by the wind turbine operators, ensuring the consistent and even lubrication of all components to increase efficiency and longevity of turbines.
JACK LUBER™ is a cost-efficient and powerful unit, pushing lubricant up to 200psi. It operates under extreme temperatures (-20°C – +60°C).