A-6205-2RS-P: Ball Bearing - 6205 2rs
Cross References: 760-387AS, 387AS, 218285, 2182855, 319014, 387AS-TI, 387ASTI, 565906, E-TM387AS, ETM387AS, C5NN4767A, C7TZ1244A, F81Z1244BA, SBN 387ASTRB, 9436882, A629826, 8236-387AS, 8236387AS, TRB387AS, 206087M1, BT387AS, WB01294, WB1294, BRG 387AS, 327195R91, 613862C91, 826926C91, 49030, S-A040, SA040, 565906DAN , 243146, F387AS, 1118687, 181267, 10X15157 A cross reference listing means that this item should be a suitable replacement for the part numbers listed. You should check the description to be sure it will work in your application.