Sellosde transmisiónautomática

Railway operation is safety critical. Railway wheel bearings are one of the most critical machine elements for the safe and efficient operation of trains. A broken, overheated, or blocked wheel bearing can lead to stopping a train, high cost, and in the worst case accidents due to derailment or other critical events. Reasons for failures are many and for this reason, there are various approval processes used to control risk. All the manufacturers are, in general, are audited annually (both Original equipment manufacturers and Aftermarket users) by external auditors such as Lloyds, RITES, etc.

Information and requirements to be agreed upon and documented Quality systems Manufacture Steel manufacturing Heat treatment Traceability Material properties Steel for rings and rolling elements Materials of other components (cages, spacers, seals, etc) Geometry and dimensions Mechanical properties — inner ring expanding ability Soundness of rings and rolling elements (Non-destructive testing) Case depth Surface hardness Marking Inspection Quality records Delivery & Packaging Greasing

Sello detransmision en ingles

A standard is a technical document to be used by manufacturers, users, and third-party inspection agencies as a guideline or rule. So these standards are created by involvement and taking a consensus of various interested parties such as manufacturers, consumers, and regulators of a particular material, product, process, or service. There is no doubt that by following approved standard documents all the parties are benefited through enhanced safety, quality, reliability, and repeatability.

The EN standards for railways are a group of standards maintained by a committee under CEN called CEN/TC 256 “Railway applications” (TC = Technical Committee). In TC 256 there are many so-called Working Groups (WG) dealing with various aspects of Railway applications.

Lubricating greases Bearing speed classes Production Manufacturing procedureTraceability Delivery Packing Marking Storage Approval tests

Sello de transmisiónparts

There are two main standards existing for railway applications the EN (European) and the AAR (American Association of Railroads) standards. The European Committee for Standardization (CEN) is a distinct private international non-profit organization that develops EN standards for various industrial applications.

Sello de transmisiónmanual

This article gives a short introduction to the main European standards for railway wheel bearings – the EN (European Norm).

Water tightness test Rig performance test General Execution Carrying out the test Acceptance criteria Rig test report Field test General Carrying out the test Test parameters Acceptance criteria Field test report

These standards define all types of traffic – both freight & passenger. They focus on how to assure quality and control risk. No specification of the interchangeability of products (in contrast to AAR) is given. There are other standards relating to axle boxes and sensors, cables, and connectors. They will not be addressed in this article for the sake of simplicity. Each WG can propose changes to the standards under its responsibility and submit proposals for changes or new standards to members of TC 256.