For example, here the tolerances of dimension 25, 10 and 15 will add up to define position of the ø10 hole, resulting in a higher tolerance band. This can be avoided using theoretically exact dimensions.

Reference dimensions are used to provide information or visualization only. Reference dimensions are often used as additional information to accumulation of other dimensions or to show a dimension that is defined elsewhere with tolerance. No tolerance is defined explicitly for a reference dimension and no inspection is necessary.

Thank you for reading! If you have any questions, please ask in the comments section below and we’d be happy to answer them.

Tolerances are generally controlled by ISO 2768 standard. ISO 2768 tolerancing is based on the size of the feature. Small feature sizes have closer tolerances and large features feature sizes have larger tolerances.


The first domain name was a .com! was registered on March 15, 1985, to computer manufacturer Symbolics, Inc. A whopping 25 years later, it was sold in 2009 to Investments.

The ISO 2768 only applies to the following drawings with the subsequent features. It is used when these functions do not have custom tolerance indications individually:

A unilateral tolerance varies in only one direction from the specified dimension. For example, 10.5 +0.2/-0 or 10.5 +0/-0.1.

If a user wants to rank exclusively in a specific geographical location, it may be wise to choose the ccTLD or GeoTLD for that area.

Standardized prefixes include the letters A, B, C, CD, D, E, EF, F, G, H, J, JS, K, M, N, P, R, S, T, U, V, X, Y, Z, ZA, ZB, ZC (for holes), and the lower-case equivalents (for shafts). All of these letters represent some kind of distribution around the nominal value. H and h are easiest to explain as the tolerance lies entirely on one side of the nominal size.

A bilateral tolerance is allowed to vary in two directions from the specified dimension. For example, 10.5(+0.2/-0.1) is an unequal bilateral tolerance and the dimension 10.5±0.2 is called an equal bilateral tolerance.

The upper limit is the largest the feature can be within the given tolerance of the dimension. The lower limit is the smallest the feature can be within the given tolerance of the dimension.

But what does the extension mean? What is the .definition of .com? Well, the meaning of .com was ‘commercial’ and was intended for use by commercial organizations.


According to Verisign, (at the time of writing this blog in June 2020), there are 148,500,484 registered .com domains. It’s a universally recognized domain and invokes trust, so if you’re looking for a new domain, it would be wise to pick a .com.

Limit tolerance is an alternative method of showing and calculating tolerance. With limit dimensioning, the extreme values of the tolerance are given in the dimension. The limits are upper limit and the lower limit.

One thing to note is that as you know by now, .com is one of the oldest extensions, and therefore a lot of domains have already been snapped up.

Comdomain price



We hope that you feel well-informed! Before you go straight to our bulk domain name generator to uncover and register exciting .com domain names, we thought we’d tell you a few interesting facts about .com.

International Standard ISO 2768:1989 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC3, Limits, and fits, it comes in two parts, namely ISO 2768-1 and ISO 2768-2.


Well, .com sites are as reliable as any other site. Imagine you’re looking for a tech company to help you create a new e-commerce store. Whether the store has used a .io extension or a .ai URL extension, you will base your decision on how easily you found them, whether you find their website trustworthy, online reviews, and if they offer everything you’re looking for.

Once upon a time in the 1980s, there were six original top-level domains (TLDs). Each had one true purpose, a category. The top-level domain .edu stood for education, .org stood for organizations, and so on.

Theoretically Exact Dimensions are used to prevent accumulation of tolerance. Chain dimensioning using Tolerance-based Dimensions can cause accumulation of tolerance as the tolerances of all chain dimensions would add up.

The standard ISO 286 defines the system of tolerances, deviations, and fits only for basic sizes up to 3150 mm. However, IT grades can be extrapolated in the following way.



Whatever industry you work in, don’t forget that if you’re looking for a cheap domain, we offer a huge range of exciting TLDs right here at Namecheap.

Approximate dimensions are used when the tolerances are not very important. They are indicated by using the term “APPROX.” before or after the dimensional value. They are often indicated using “ca.” or “~”. There is no supervision or measurement of approximate dimensions. For example, 10.5 APPROX. could be any value close to 10.5mm.

Tolerance defines the acceptable range of variation allowed on a dimension. It helps to define criticality in the part and ensure assembly.

Colleen is a senior copywriter at Namecheap and has been focussing on domain registration and management since 2019. She finds the domain industry fascinating and believes that "A domain name has unlimited possibilities. It’s a chance for an individual or business to create a brand, communicate personality, and to grow. At Namecheap, we offer everything a person needs to get started and build their dream." Colleen started her copywriting career in 2008 and has been featured in HuffPost UK, The Times, and many other places in print and online. Her passions include cooking, music, and playing pool. More articles written by Colleen.

Comvs net

Reference dimensions are defined by using parenthesis around the dimension or using the term “REF” or “Ref.” behind the dimension. For example, (10.5) or 10.5 REF or 10.5 Ref.

Ignoring tolerance will add to challenges in assembly and increase cost significantly. Here are our ideas if you need to reduce these challenges.

However, understanding and establishing user intent is important. If a pizza recipe blog is written in English, and the intent is that it’s to be used internationally then .com is a good choice.

You may be asking yourself, but is .com still the best? There are so many out there, it’s hard to say, but we can agree that King .com continues to be one of the most popular domains on the planet.

You might buy your .com domain through a registrar, or you might buy it through an auction if the domain is owned by someone. If a domain is listed at auction, it may have a premium tag, which means that it’s available at a higher price than usual.

The relation between two mating parts due to the difference between their sizes before the assembly, is defined as fits.

The system considers both the nominal size as well as the tolerance width to determine a proxy for the “manufacturing complexity”


On your daily internet journey searching for the closest and tastiest burrito, or attempting to identify that song that’s been stuck in your head, you will certainly have come across many website addresses with ‘.com’ at the end.

Deviation is plus-minus dimensioning. It uses a bilateral or unilateral tolerance format, depending on the application. Plus-minus dimension values are placed using the plus-minus symbol (±). For example, 10.5±0.2 or 0.250±0.005.

IT grades do not specify how the tolerance limits are distributed around the nominal value, IT grades with an alternate prefix are used for this purpose. For example, the prefix ‘js’ is used in place of ‘IT’ to specify the symmetrical distribution, so a dimension 12 js5 is equivalent to 12±0.004 (where 12 IT7 is 0.008).

IT grade(s) describe an internationally accepted code system that categorizes the linear tolerances into 12 categories. This allows Product Owners and Data Scientists to handle tolerances with a single number. The system is defined in ISO 286 and frequently used.

Despite these beginnings, the meaning behind .com and any website that uses it has changed. Today .com is the most well-established domain and a trusted choice for businesses and individuals across the globe.

We’ve already found out that .com top-level domain stands for ‘commercial’. It’s one of the world’s most popular domains, and is used by organizations around the world.

Interestingly, MIT Internet pioneer Jack Haverty, believes that .com originally ‘…derived from “company” rather than “commercial”. He went onto explain that at the start they were for companies doing government contract work.

Various features such as chamfers, fillets, rounds, hole depths, and thread lengths, can be dimensioned with single limits. The abbreviation for minimum (MIN) or maximum (MAX) follows the dimension value to specify a single limit application. The unspecified limit is 0 when MAX is used or reaches infinity when MIN is specified. For example, R6MIN means the minimum radius should be 6mm or RMAX6 means the maximum radius can be 6mm.


There are four classes of size tolerances: fine(f), medium(m), coarse(c) and very coarse(v). For example, a company that manufactures precision parts and equipments might select the medium(m) for general metric tolerances. This is given by ISO 2768-m, the tolerances for various dimensions will be given by the general metric tolerance table.

Now that you’ve found out more about this popular domain, (and are likely excited to register it), you’re probably wondering ‘How much is a .com TLD?’

Learn more by checking out our articles on subjects like website domain cost and the average cost to transfer a domain name.

In this article, you’ll find everything you need to know about the mighty .com, such as ‘What does .com stand for?’ and ‘What is a domain name anyway?’. Soon you’ll know so much that you’ll be bursting to buy a .com, so let’s get started.

The domain .com is operated by the registry Verisign. As well as being the registry that owns the .com domain, Verisign also provides the .tv and .net TLD, .cc domains, and other popular options for registrars like Namecheap to offer customers like you.

Nowadays, the rules aren’t so strict and domains can mostly be used by anyone, for any purpose. There are new TLDs that are more focused. For example, if you create a range of health supplements and want to sell them online, you might choose .health, or if you run a recruitment agency you might pick a .work

However, if you own a pizzeria in NY, it may be better to use a ccTLD to reflect where the pizza can be ordered, such as .nyc or .us, (or even the gTLD, .pizza!).

Theoretically Exact Dimensions (TED) or Theoretically Exact Measures (TEM), are also called Basic Dimensions. TED are given from a datum to a feature of interest. TED are defined as a numerical value to describe the theoretically exact size, profile, or location of a feature. Variations allowed to these dimensions are based on feature controls, notes, or tolerance of other dimensions. No tolerance is specified explicitly to TED.

From IT6 to IT18, the standard tolerances are multiplied by the factor 10 at each fifth step. This rule applies to all standard tolerances and may be used to extrapolate values for IT grades not given in Table 1. For example, the nominal size range 180 mm up to and including 250 mm, the value of IT20 is: