


Product Code Product DescriptionBrands VEX 45/NS 7CE1 DULAngular Contact Ceramic Ball BearingSNFA VEX 45/NS 7CE1 DUL 16°Angular Contact Ceramic Ball BearingSNFA VEX 10NS 7CE1 DULAngular Contact Ceramic Ball BearingSNFA

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Thrust bearing

Currently I am in a first year mechanical engineering degree. We are covering bearings. I understand most of the bearings and there uses. Could someone explain to me how a thrust bearing works and what an axial load. Most explanations online don't make sense to me.

To meet the ever-increasing performance requirements of high-speed precision applications, SNFA has developed super-precision bearings in the 719 .. E (VEB) 1) and 70 .. E (VEX) series. Compared to high-speed B design bearings, high-speed E design bearings have a higher speed capability and they can accommodate heavier loads. This desirable combination makes bearings in the 719 .. E (VEB) and 70 .. E (VEX) series an excellent choice for demanding applications.
