At supplier, on request Estimated time of shipping will be announced after receiving information from our suppliers. Please, write down required amount and send a Question about the Product or just order the belt. The shipping conditions will be sent on your e-mail address. After your confirmation the goods will be ordered from the supplier.

Our professional-quality special tools and measuring instruments will assist you in maintaining and fitting drive components.

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ContiTech importance on immediate proximity to customers. ContiTech is active in 26 countries with 75 production sites and more than 40 R&D facilities and sales organizations. The customers around the world stand to profit: Greater safety. Higher efficiency. Closer proximity.

捷克 移民 局

TYMA CZ, s.r.o. Na Pískách 731/12 400 04 Trmice Czechia, EU

They are used mainly in machines with high speed and precision, such as machine tools, textile machines, compressors, blowers, etc.


Https frs gov cz en ioff application Status

They offer a powerful innovation in synchronous drive systems: up to 25% higher transmitted power. They thus become a possible replacement for chain drives. Other advantages include especially up to 19 dB quieter operation than conventional timing belts.

Ministry of Interior Czech Republic

Continental is the world’s largest specialist for rubber and plastics technology in the non-tire rubber sector. A division of Continental AG, the company develops and produces functional parts, components and systems for the automotive and other important industries.

2022 © Ministerstvo pro místní rozvoj • Informace jsou poskytovány v souladu se zákonem č. 106/1999 Sb., o svobodném přístupu k informacím.

If a test report according to ISO 1813 and ISO 9563 is required for the application, it is necessary to inform us of the request for delivery of belts including the certificate when ordering them (when ordering belts via Eshop, please write this request in the "Note" field before by sending the order). The certificate is issued by ContiTech after the test in the production plant.

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W-1000 (H.O.T. 8M-1000-32) CONTI SILENTSYNC is a reinforced rubber timing belt intended to transmit the highest torques. It is manufactured according to ISO 9563.